
ELECTION INTERFERENCE: Far-Left Activist and Crank Imran Ahmed – Who Is Funded by the Biden Regime – Slams Elon Musk and X Prior to Trump Interview | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

The left is freaking out about the upcoming Elon Musk – Donald Trump interview tonight on X at 8 PM Eastern.

The EU sent a letter threatening Musk for airing the interview of the leading presidential candidate on his X platform.

Elon Musk responded appropriately.

Elon Musk responds to the EU and their vile threats against his free speech! GO ELON!

Now deep state censorship czar Imran Awan CEO of the “Center for Countering Digital Hate,” an anti-conservative censorship operation that Musk has previously sued, is out threatening Elon Musk and X tonight.

The entire globalist left is FREAKED OUT over this interview! That is truly incredible!

Imran Ahmed spreads more dangerous conspiracies before Trump and Elon Musk hold their discussion on X.

Imran Ahmed, a serial liar and leftist lapdog, joined MSNBC to spew his hate speech on Monday.

The Gateway Pundit is a frequent target of Imran Ahmed.

It should be noted that Imran Ahmed is funded by the Biden regime. And all of his targets are conservatives! Isn’t this election interference?

Conspiracy theorist Imran Ahmed is very frightened of the free speech given to conservatives and Donald Trump.

Via Western Lensman.



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