
One Congressman’s Suspicious Stock Sale Under Scrutiny

  • August 3, 2024

Last month, package delivery giant UPS had very rough day. Or to put it more accurately, their shareholders had a rough day. But to be even more accurate, I should say most of their shareholders had a rough day. The company released its second-quarter earnings report and it was far below what most investors on […]

The Washington Post’s Phony Story on Trump at the Black Journalists Convention

  • August 3, 2024

You gotta love the decided lack of self-awareness at The Washington Post and ABC News. The other day former President Donald J. Trump appeared solo (no Vice President Kamala Harris in sight) at a gathering of the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) in Chicago. The Post starts out its report on his appearance by saying Trump told […]


Boom, Cont’d: Mole Hunt Raging in Tehran

  • August 3, 2024

Call it the gift that keeps on giving.  Israel stunned the world and humiliated the Iranians in killing Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh this week while a guest in Tehran for the presidential inauguration. The explanation of how they carried out the precision bombing rattled the Iranians even more.  The Mossad penetrated the Iranian Revolutionary Guard’s […]


More Than Half Say the First Amendment ‘Goes Too Far’

  • August 3, 2024

This is certainly one of the more disappointing polls that we’ve seen in a while. A recent survey being reported on at Reason Magazine found that more than half of Americans feel that they have too many civil liberties. More specifically, they believe that the First Amendment rights granted to citizens by the Founders “go […]


WaPo: Obamaites Take Over Team Kamala

  • August 3, 2024

Ho hum, nothing to see here, just another cycle in which Barack Obama runs for president. What is this, five in a row now? In this case, though, we may have to give Kamala Harris a pass. It’s not as if she developed a team of campaign experts on her own. Or that they’d stick […]


Lloyd Austin on Plea Deal for KSM: Nope

  • August 3, 2024

On Thursday, we learned the shocking news that a plea deal had been reached with the attorneys for 9/11 architect Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and two other Al Qaeda accomplices that would spare them the death penalty, instead receiving sentences of life without parole. Relatives of many of the victims of that tragic day immediately protested, […]

CBS Correspondent Still Mad About All The Terrorists Getting Blown Up

  • August 3, 2024

The Days of Rage continue over at CBS News’s Middle East bureau, as its correspondents continue to endure having to report on Israel’s continued stacking of Iran-linked terrorist mastermind bodies. Watch as correspondent Debora Patta is forced to rattle off the deaths of three terror leaders in a little over a minute. CBS EVENING NEWS […]