Joe Biden is finally dragged out of the race, kicking and screaming, and then he’s suddenly praised for a graceful exit and compared to George Washington. Biden should be compared to less-than-great presidents like Millard Fillmore.
There’s nothing funnier than the Democrats spending three weeks trying to drag Biden out of the race, and when he finally knuckles under, then he’s like George Washington, and he’s shown honor and grace and patriotism. Suddenly, Biden is Washington, Lincoln, JFK, LBJ, the Roman leader Cincinnatus, and I keep waiting for a comparison to Superman now isolating with Covid in his Fortress of Solitude.
If he was all about gracefully resigning, why didn’t he do it weeks ago? He’s been at the center of a long and ugly Democrat spat, but they want to make it sound like they’re in a serene moment. It’s a Potemkin Moment of Zen. He didn’t show grace. He climbed the greasy pole of power and had to be dragged away from it, stubbornly insisting that only God himself could take him out of the race. He told an interviewer last week that only an adverse medical condition would make him get out, which effectively underlines he has an adverse medical condition.
Speaking of brain fractures, former Senator Claire McCaskill touted Biden by claiming He doesn’t have anybody in his cabinet that’s not- that wasn’t endorsing him. He doesn’t have a vice president that isn’t gonna be at his convention. He doesn’t have, you know, loads of people saying, “oh, I wish it were someone else” behind the scenes.” How’s that for turning reality upside down?
Hollywood was happy. “Luke Skywalker” himself, actor Mark Hamill tweeted Biden “has a record of accomplishments unmatched by any president in our lifetime. He restored honesty, dignity & integrity to the office after 4 years of lies, crime, scandal & chaos.” The Bidens never lie or have scandals. That’s what you might believe if you only sample pro-Biden media.
Then Rob Reiner tweeted “Kamala Harris will be the 47th President of the United States. Democracy will survive.”
For the anti-Meathead spirit, we turn to T. Becket Adams over at the National Journalism Center: “The Biden presidency will end just as it began: With a completely shambolic withdrawal, executed with little to no planning or consideration and at a great cost to those who rely on the White House for accountable and responsible leadership.” Bingo.
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