
Not Normal: Biden Campaign Ad’s Personal Attack on Supreme Court Justices

When Joe Biden ran for president in 2020 he promised a return to normal. It was always a nebulous kind of promise – normal is in the eye of the beholder.

The point was to present Biden as the wise old man who had spent a lifetime in the Senate. He would have a calm administration and work with everyone to get things done. Well, that was all a lie. Like everything else in the scam administration, the Biden years have been a long national nightmare. 


Earlier this week I wrote that President Biden is running against the Supreme Court, besides former President Trump. This is not at all normal. Biden delivered a statement to the press after the Court ruled on presidential immunity. That was not at all normal. Presidents don’t publicly bloviate about SCOTUS rulings. They accept them and move on. Members of their party grouse about rulings but not the president. The Court is a separate and equal part of the government. 

Stay in your lane, Joe.

The Biden campaign has an ad out today that targets the Court. It doesn’t just criticize the decision, it personally attacks the conservative justices as being under the thumb of Donald Trump. 

The Biden campaign’s message is that Trump told the justices how to decide the immunity question and they accommodated him. This is outrageous. It is unacceptable to insult the Court in this manner. What a slap in the face.

A king, eh? That’s some projection on Biden’s part. He brags about ignoring a SCOTUS ruling on student loan forgiveness. The Court ruled against his scheme to buy the support of young voters. That’s not normal. Who is acting like a king? 

There is nothing normal about the Biden administration. There is nothing normal about the Biden campaign. He goes to Milwaukee today and that is one of the markets that this campaign ad is running. Biden and Trump are tied in Wisconsin if the polling is to be believed. 


Joe Biden has to prove to big donors and supporters that he is capable of remaining in the race and that he can defeat Donald Trump. He needs more sleep, though, and can’t work after 8:00 p.m. 

Everything turns into a political event with the desperate president. Last night he hosted military families at the White House for a 4th of July barbecue. Most presidents do something like that. Then the big fireworks show happens. Biden, in his remarks, tried to insert politics by adding an ad-lib from his prepared remarks. He started to retell the debunked story that Trump called fallen soldiers buried in a French cemetery “losers and suckers” but he botched the story from the jump and had to abandon it. Not a good look.

Every time Joe goes off the teleprompter, he shows his inability to communicate. 

As he began to make his exit, someone yelled, “Four more years.” Biden stopped and said, “You’ve got me, man. I’m not going anywhere.” 

The White House Independence Day celebration is traditionally a non-partisan event. The holiday celebration is for all Americans, not just Biden voters. That would be a normal July 4th event at the White House. 

It was interesting that Kamala Harris and her husband joined the Biden clan to watch the fireworks. For the past three years, they have celebrated in California, typically visiting a fire station or some such location to thank first responders for their service to the community. This year, though, there they were on the White House balcony.


The optics of Kamala holding Joe’s hand and laughing it up with him were not lost on anyone. The message was that they were united, in it to win it. Jilly from Philly stood on the other side of Joe and, frankly, she didn’t look too thrilled to be there. She was often seen scowling and making comments to Joe. It was odd. Her frowns outnumbered her smiles. 

Team Biden has come unglued. They are flailing around hoping to find a way forward as more and more Democrats call for him to step aside. We’ll see what happens next. 



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