
Whitmer to Dems: Kiss Michigan Bye-Bye

  • July 1, 2024

After about the first five minutes of Thursday night’s presidential debate, panic set in among Democrats — and it hasn’t abated since. The exposure of Joe Biden’s senility on prime time has every Democrat in office scrambling for themselves, hoping to distance themselves from both the upcoming electoral collapse as well as any blame for […]


The Democrat Replacement Theory Faces a Kamala Quandary

  • July 1, 2024

From the moment during Thursday night’s debate when Joe Biden was shown to be the very impacted figure the press insisted was a fraudulent representation, speculation erupted across the media landscape and within the Democratic Party as to who would replace President Silveralert on the ticket. We have covered what those machinations would involve, but […]


Vogue Magazine Rides to the Rescue with Jill Biden

  • July 1, 2024

History will not be kind to Jill Biden.  The August edition of Vogue is out. Jill Biden is on the cover. Shocker, I know. However, the timing of this issue is awkward. It’s a big ole puff piece on Jilly from Philly but it comes out just days after her husband’s disastrous debate performance.  Advertisement The […]


Report: Gretchen Whitmer Rumors Spark Palace Intrigue Questions After Disastrous Biden Debate Performance

  • July 1, 2024

Long before Joe Biden inadvertently proved his critics right with his disastrous presidential debate performance Thursday night, rumors have swirled and overtures have been made by powerful Democrats who have made clear to their donor/consultant classes that they were willing to step up to the plate in an, ahem, emergency situation, if you catch my […]


Democrats Have Chosen Long, Slow Death March

  • July 1, 2024

Joe Biden’s polls will not likely crash after a free fall. The core of the Democrat Party will stick with him to the bitter end, and Blue-leaning voters will hold out hope (now that Biden has apparently decided to continue the fight) that the president can recover after “one bad night.” Advertisement We may be […]