
Dr. Fauci and the Beagles: 2.5 Years Later Redstate Is Vindicated As WaPo Backtracks on His Defense

  • June 17, 2024

During a contentious and revealing House hearing in early June, Dr. Anthony Fauci was compelled to make a number of admissions involving pandemic responses and related declarations he’d made. Masking claims were now debunked, his six-foot distancing standard was pure creation, mandates on school policies were never based on studies, and the lab leak issue […]


Biden Campaign in Denial As Donald Trump Gains Support Among Black Voters

  • June 17, 2024

As former President Donald Trump continues to gain support among black voters, the Biden campaign seems to believe the best way to win those voters back is to be in denial. Advertisement Poll after poll has shown that Trump is gaining support among minority communities, as President Biden’s support is slipping. A recent USA Today/Suffolk […]