
Even Self-Described Liberal Jillian Michaels Thinks California Has Lost Its ‘F**king Mind’

Are the libs actually waking up?

Speaking as a guest on the Sage Steele Show this week, fitness guru Jillian Michaels confessed that even as a self-described liberal, she’s fleeing California for how absolutely insane it is.

“I grew up here. I’m a woman. I’m a gay woman. My mom’s a Jew. My dad’s an Arab. I have a black kid and believe it or not, my son is half Latin, even though he doesn’t look like it,” Michaels said in a clip shared by End Wokeness on X. “I hold a million cards in your game of woke victimology poker and when I leave California, maybe, you’ve lost your f**king mind.”

Even Michaels was surprised she’s “running from home” because of how absolutely chock full of “madness” Governor Newsom’s California is.

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Steele asked Michaels “what was the line” for Michaels to notice that California has gone “way too far.”

Fitness guru Jillian Michaels is half-Arab, half-Jewish, gay woman, has a black kid, etc. She explains why she is now fleeing California:

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) June 14, 2024

Michaels, crediting Elon Musk in part, noted that she realized that she hadn’t changed. Instead, she said, “the world around me is shifting and I haven’t moved.”

“Some of these laws that are passing here are absolutely f**king mind-boggling in relation to crime, protecting our kids — like, we’re decriminalizing everything which, arguably, I would probably be okay with, but we’re not regulating any of it,” she said.

Michaels even brought up the issues she has with LGBTQ propaganda being immersed so deeply in California culture, including recent law changes n favor of pedophiles and the fact that a 12-year-old child “can be put on off-label cancer drugs to irreparably change their body.”

“We’re gonna pass a law for LGBTQ rights so that 24-year-old men can sleep with 14-year-old boys and not have to register as a sex offender because it’s just not fair to the gays…I’m like WHAT!?” she said.

Then she brought up the fact that if a 24-year-old man touched her 14-year-old son, she’d get a gun and “take matters into my own hands.”

Michaels added that if one of her own kids came to her and said they were trans, she’d love and accept them, even allowing them to be called a different name or dress a certain way but “we’re not changing your body until it’s fully developed. I’m sorry, conversation’s over.”

She called it “insane” and “madness” that kids “can’t get a f**king tattoo” but can “irreparably change their body.”

Michaels is right! California has always been in favor of wokeness and progressivism but it’s gotten so bad that even Cali natives who were born and raised in support of these ideologies are realizing that they’ve simply gone too far. 

This is madness.

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Another day, another pride mural getting de-faced.

— MRCTV (@mrctv) June 14, 2024



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