
WATCH: Protesters Storm the Field at Congressional Baseball Game, Before Getting Tackled, Dragged Away

Eight protesters were arrested at the Congressional Baseball Game on Wednesday night for storming the field. In a video posted to X, the arena can be heard chanting “USA! USA! USA!” as the protesters were tackled and removed from the field. One unidentified person in the video says, “Get them out of here!”


The stunt was claimed by a group called Climate Defiance. The protestors were seen with signs and shirts that read, “Stop playing games with our future,” and “End fossil fuels.”

The group, like most deranged activists, sees this as a victory. It posted a response on its X account, celebrating that the play of the baseball game was frozen. Attached with its statement is a video of the ordeal. Some would be embarrassed to be seen tackled, but common sense isn’t usually a factor with these radicals.

The Congressional Baseball Game is one day when both sides try to come together for a good cause. Can we not have one good thing? The loud chanting of “USA!” in the arena represents the majority of Americans who are sick and tired of the protests and extremism. The responses on X show most people mocking the group, instead of taking them seriously for the stunt. 


At least one positive thing can be said- This might be one of the few protests all year where actual arrests are made. I guess our government didn’t want to be embarrassed on their one night together. Or perhaps it was the Republicans who pressed for the arrests. I’m sure we will hear from Bernie Sanders and his squad by Thursday. For now, we can all enjoy a good time watching these activists get trolled on X–and rewatching them getting tackled for kicks.



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