
UCLA Protesters Assaulted Police, Got Arrested

  • June 12, 2024

Pro-Palestinian protesters tried to set up several new encampments on the UCLA campus Monday. The result was chaos. Eventually 27 people were arrested but half-a-dozen UCPD officers were injured in the process. Advertisement A total of 27 people were arrested after setting up multiple pro-Palestinian encampments on UCLA’s campus Monday that police said were unlawful… […]


ACLU Sues Biden Administration to Stop Border Executive Action

  • June 12, 2024

President Joe Biden’s executive order aimed at mitigating the border crisis was met with mockery and derision from folks on the right who have long criticized him for his inaction on illegal immigration. Advertisement However, folks on the left aren’t all that enthused about the executive order either. In fact, the American Civil Liberties Union […]


Minnesota Is Government Fraud Central

  • June 12, 2024

Under Governor Tim Walz, the Minnesota government is little more than a money-laundering scheme–transferring ill-gotten taxes to grifters and grafters. To be sure, graft is hardly new in government, and Minnesota–despite taking great pride in how clean our government was–has always had its share. For some reason, Minnesotans convinced each other that we were a […]


Ron DeSantis Emasculates Snotty Reporter Over ‘Gender-Affirming Care’ for Children

  • June 12, 2024

An activist judge struck down Florida’s ban on “gender-affirming care” for minors on Tuesday, delivering a setback to Gov. Ron DeSantis’ attempt to protect children. The ruling claimed the law it was “unconstitutional” because it denied “medically appropriate care.”  Advertisement Judge Robert L. Hinkle stated in his decision that “gender identity is real,” using his […]


The Economist: Trump Beats Biden 2 to 1 in Electoral College

  • June 12, 2024

We are still months away from the November elections, but more and more media outlets are chiming in with predictions. One of the latest, from The Economist, which is not an outlet generally friendly to Republicans, should have the Trump campaign wearing some cautious grins. On Wednesday, The outlet released their first presidential election forecast, […]