
NewsBusters Podcast: The Media Let No One Say Joe & Jill Biden Are Bad Parents

The network newscasts and national newspapers greeted the Hunter Biden verdicts with sappy pictures and talk of “family turmoil.”

The Washington Post lamented the trial “put on national display the first family’s pain, heartache and regrets.” The New York Times called it “a shattering blow for the Biden family in the middle of an unforgiving presidential election campaign,” with Hunter’s struggles “made painfully public.”

No one can be allowed to say that Joe and Jill Biden are bad parents, enablers of bad behavior. Hunter Biden is 54, and the network anchors still called him a “child” of the president, which is a bit of a stretch. No one wants to blame the parents after all this time, but clearly Joe Biden’s help for Hunter’s influence-peddling business brought money to this son, which then went to drugs and hookers. 

Enjoy the podcast below, or wherever you listen to podcasts.



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