
The Mainstream Media Is Worse Than Worthless

I remember the good ol’ days when the Biden Administration paying for free crack pipes was a debunked Republican lie. 

In the halcyon days of 2022, Republicans complained that the Biden Administration was funding free crack pipes for addicts. The mainstream media went into overdrive proving that this was a damned lie. Just another one of those Republican hoaxes to smear Uncle Joe Biden. 



Republicans are lying meanies, don’tcha know, so the MSM–always on the lookout for misinformation and disinformation–spent quite a bit of effort informing the public that Joe Biden–father of the infamous crack addict Hunter Biden–would never, ever, cross-his-heart-and-hope-to-die–spend tax dollars on helping addicts get high.

The idea was absurd on its face. No government official outside, say, California and any Democrat-run city or state would consider handing out drug paraphernalia. That would be as absurd as decriminalizing drugs and shoplifting, and nobody would do that. 

If the government did any of these things, our cities would become lawless hellholes where criminals smash and grab in stores, wander around like zombies high on crack, meth, fentanyl, and tranq. Homelessness would skyrocket and people would flee to places that don’t tolerate such things. 

You see? Those little glass pipes that are used for crack aren’t CRACK PIPES. They are fentanyl pipes, or “smoking gear.” And yes, they are being funded by the federal government. 

The Biden administration has embraced the approach, although it took a hit in 2022 when conservative media claimed $30 million in federal funds would be used to hand out “crack pipes.” Even as the White House denied the claim, Republican lawmakers proposed banning federal funding for pipes.

Safer smoking supplies often include rubber, plastic or silicon mouthpieces to prevent cuts and burns, brass screens to filter contaminants, and disinfectant wipes. That’s safer than items improvised from aluminum cans, lightbulbs or plastic tubes that can break easily or release dangerous fumes, advocates say. Giveaways may also prevent users of other drugs — who may not have a tolerance for opioids — from sharing pipes that contain fentanyl residue.

Because many states ban paraphernalia, harm reduction groups that provide smoking supplies tread lightly.


Notice how The Washington Post deals with the whole issue of Republican objections: 

“The Biden administration has embraced the approach, although it took a hit in 2022 when conservative media claimed $30 million in federal funds would be used to hand out “crack pipes.” Even as the White House denied the claim, Republican lawmakers proposed banning federal funding for pipes.”

Hmm. Was it just the Biden administration? That’s neither how I remember it or what the record shows. The record shows that the whole f’ing MSM lined up with the Biden administration to deny it, call it a hoax, debunk it, call it misinformation, or whatever way you want to say “lie.”

It wasn’t a lie. It was the truth. The mainstream media had every reason to know it was the truth, and they flat-out lied to everybody because they are nothing but fluffers for the Biden administration and the Democrats. 

They are LIARS. 

The MSM’s best defense is that they are utterly incompetent and nothing but stenographers for the Democrats, but you notice that The Washington Post doesn’t even address the issue. They simply ignore the issue, despite writing an article admitting that a lot of people are upset that the federal government is funding FREE CRACK PIPES. A claim the WaPo “debunked.”

…starting June 2, it will be illegal for state-authorized syringe exchange groups to supply Scott and other users with smoking paraphernalia. Under a law passed by West Virginia lawmakers, the Milan Puskar Health Right clinic will be banned from giving away pipes, tin foil and other supplies used to consume illicit drugs, even as researchers say more drug users nationwide are turning to smoking. The law is part of broader resistance in communities where critics assert that distributing “safer smoking” supplies encourages substance abuse and could make fentanyl more appealing to new users.


I would never say that that the mainstream media publishes nothing but lies, because that is an exaggeration. 

Rather, the MSM publishes almost nothing but lies if they think they can get away with it, especially about anything that touches on politics. If they can lie, shade the truth, spin it, tumble dry it, and make a Democrat come out smelling like Downy they will give it the ol’ college try. 

51 intelligence officials. Pee tape. Inject bleach. Safe and effective. Masks work. Russian collusion. Fauci is Science™. 

It’s bulls**t. Matt Taibbi calls it The Bulls**t. 

This is why I keep asking you to join our Hot Air/Townhall Media VIP program. We do our best to tell the truth as we see it–whether you like our take or not. I subscribe to numerous alternative media news sources–even people I disagree with often–because I need a fuller view of the world than the MSM will give me. 

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