
When Schools Hire an Unqualified Scammer

  • May 26, 2024

When Dazhon Darien was hired as the athletic director at Pikesville High School in Baltimore County Maryland last summer, the school felt like they had really landed someone special. After all, Darien had degrees from prestigious universities and more than a decade of experience as an administrator in higher education. He even had experience with […]

CBS’s ‘Face The Nation’ Honors The Fallen

  • May 26, 2024

CBS’s Sunday affairs show Face the Nation opened its Memorial Day weekend broadcast the right way- by taking a moment to put things in perspective, and honoring our Nation’s fallen, before entering into its normal routine.  Watch the show’s open as aired on Sunday, May 26th, 2024: MARGARET BRENNAN: Good morning. And welcome to Face […]


OPINION: Trump Deserves Kudos for Speaking at the Libertarian Convention

  • May 26, 2024

This weekend, former President Donald Trump spoke at the Libertarian National Convention. I give him great credit for that. He was booed mercilessly, except when he promised to pardon a notorious criminal. Although his speech was solid and tailor-made for a Libertarian audience, what really stood out to me was that because he knew he […]


Cruz Flips the Script on Code Pink When They Try to Corner Him, Exposes What They’re Really About

  • May 26, 2024

As we reported. last week, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) demolished Antony Blinken when the Secretary of State testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee regarding Joe Biden’s catastrophic foreign policy. In particular, he ripped into Blinken about how they’d helped our enemies and alienated our friends, and how the world was much more dangerous as […]


Memorial Day Cookouts Cost 10% More This Year Than Last Year

  • May 26, 2024

High inflation hits everyone. Everyone buys groceries. There is no avoiding the price increases happening as trips to the grocery store strain family budgets. The reason President Biden’s happy talk about the economy falls on deaf ears with voters is because no one feels it. The rate of inflation is slowly falling after Biden’s economic […]