
George Floyd Can Breathe: ‘Daddy Changed the World’ Biopic Coming Soon to Your TV

Remember George Floyd? The guy who the media claims died by a policeman doing his job rather than the concoction of fentanyl and methamphetamine in his system?

Floyd’s family just authorized a biopic titled “Daddy Changed the World” to be created by Radar Pictures, 8 Queens Film & Media productions and Night Fox Entertainment. The biopic, created with the help of Floyd’s daughter Gianna and her mother, Roxie Washington, who will serve as producers, is set to dramatize the life of Floyd and emphasize the leftist narrative of police brutality.

If you were looking for a one-stop shop of propaganda, lies and virtue signaling, this biopic will be just that!

According to Variety,  “The biopic will apparently not portray Floyd as a perfect person, but rather a father with human flaws, whose horrific death changed the world. It will not be a traditional biopic, more a ‘gritty drama of a man and his community thrust into the fiery light of history.’”

In a statement, Washington said the following about the film:

We are excited the world will see the real, jovial, and loving George we know. This film will humanize him, embody the essence of his life, and hopefully reignite efforts to pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act. It’s time for justice and equality for all.

We need to make changes swiftly. No other child should lose their father like Gianna did. We thank everyone who stood with us and protested. George’s legacy will live on through this film.

What legacy? The legacy of breaking the law? The legacy of framing a story so that it pushes an agenda and movement of “defunding the police?” Need I remind everyone that Floyd was a criminal. He served literally eight jail terms for things like drug possession and theft. This is not some hero that we should be honoring. 

This is insane if you ask me.



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