
Yeshiva University to Honor Senator John Fetterman for Israel Support

Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) has been a loyal supporter of Israel and Jews since the Israel-Hamas war began. He will be awarded Yeshiva University’s Presidential Medallion for his leadership and support of Israel.


How about that? Yeshiva University is the flagship Jewish university. The Global Leadership Award is its highest honor. It will be presented at the university’s 93rd commencement ceremony on May 29. 

 Yeshiva University was founded in 1886. It is currently home to more than 7,400 undergraduates and graduate students at its four New York City campuses.

The commencement ceremony will take place at the Louis Armstrong Stadium in Queens, New York. More than 5,000 students, faculty, families, friends, and alumni are expected to attend the ceremony. 

The President of Yeshiva made a statement.


How true. This is a time of moral clarity and most Democrats, from President Biden on down, are failing spectacularly. Democrats have pulled the curtain back on their strong streak of antisemitism and hatred of Israel and Jews. It’s an eye-opening experience to watch their hatred play out. Many Democrats will not be looked upon favorably when they are found to have been on the wrong side of history now.

Never forget means never forget.

Fetterman is humbled to receive the recognition. 

“It is truly humbling to be invited to share in this milestone with the graduates of Yeshiva University,” Senator Fetterman said. “As we gather to celebrate the achievements of the graduating class, we must also acknowledge the profound significance of their journey within the context of the recent surge in antisemitism across the country. I thank Yeshiva University for the opportunity to join these students on this momentous day.”

These students find themselves graduating at a time of unprecedented antisemitism on college campuses and in the streets across America. Most of the graduates were robbed of a commencement ceremony when they graduated from high school during the pandemic. Now there is today’s hostile atmosphere toward them. 

Fetterman speaks out regularly on his social media accounts. His stalwart support of Israel is a thorn in the side of his colleagues on the left. He is still a committed Democrat and Biden supporter but he doesn’t hesitate to speak out against Biden’s stabs in the back against Israel. Fetterman calls Biden out for pandering to the far-left fringe to win their votes in November. 


The senator has lost staff over his support of Israel. He even takes on legendary Democrat strategist James Carville when he thinks Carville is out of line

Fetterman loyally votes for Biden’s agenda. But I have to admit that some of Fetterman’s sane positions on two important issues – support of Israel and border security – make me like him more than I expected to when he was elected. He was elected as a far-left progressive, or at least that was the vibe his campaign nurtured, yet in office, he has surprised those of us who expected to dislike him.  He sounds like a conservative at times and that is noteworthy when politics are as divisive as they are now. 

I believe in credit when credit is due, even among those on the other side of the political aisle. Congrats to Senator Fetterman for receiving the recognition he deserves. 



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