
Networks Rally to Run New Alito Conspiracy Theory Up the Flagpole

The liberal media seem determined to declare anything a “symbol” of January 6 if they could use it to smear a conservative U.S. Supreme Court justice and manipulate upcoming rulings involving former President Trump. That much was clear during the Thursday morning newscasts of ABC, CBS, and NBC when they rallied to try to run a new conspiracy theory about Justice Samuel Alito up the flagpole to force him to recuse himself.

All three networks leaned heavily on a The New York Times report that Alito’s vacation home sported the Revolutionary War-era “An Appeal to Heaven” flag. But since two of the flags were seen during the riot at the Capitol, suddenly it was the “symbol” every “insurrectionist” was rallied behind. It was the second such “symbol” the media had declared to have discovered in as many weeks amid their effort to remove Alito.

NBC Today co-anchor Savannah Guthrie gave away the game during her lead into the segment. “Also this morning, the calls are growing louder for Supreme Court Justice Alito to recuse himself from any cases related to January 6. This comes after another image has surfaced showing a second controversial flag on display at one of his properties,” she declared.

Senior Washington correspondent Hallie Jackson boasted: “We are seeing a fresh chorus of criticism from Democrats this morning…” She quoted Senator Dick Durban (D-IL), who claimed said the flag was, “Yet another example of apparent ethical misconduct.”

“The flag, rooted in the Revolutionary War, has more recently become a symbol of support for Christian nationalism and for Donald Trump,” she added, without evidence.

Interestingly, the “insurrectionist” Appeal to Heaven flag could be seen on the desk of the Libertarian character Ron Swanson on the NBC comedy Parks and Recreation. Swanson was certainly not a “Christian nationalist.”

Over on ABC’s Good Morning America, co-anchor and former Clinton lackey George Stephanopoulos suggested that the flags were really only ever aligned with the rioters:

And there are new questions and criticism for Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito after The New York Times published pictures of a flag associated with the January 6 insurrection flying outside his summer home. This comes after the revelation last week that another flag associated with January 6 had been flying at his primary home.

ABC chief justice correspondent Pierre Thomas also took part in the conspiratorial highlighting of the flag among the rioters and downplayed its long history before January 6:

Take a look at these images and you’ll see both flags clearly on display on January 6th as the mayhem unfolded. It’s unclear who posted the pine tree flag and what kind, if any, statement was being made. The pine tree flag date back to the Revolutionary War and was flown on war ships commissioned under George Washington. But in recent years, the symbol has been associated with Christian nationalism.

“This morning, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito faces new calls to remove himself from cases tied to the former president and the assault on the capitol,” proclaimed CBS Mornings co-anchor and Democratic Party donor Gayle King, also broadcasting their intent with covering the story. “The New York Times reports a second flag used by January 6th protestors was seen flying at Alito’s vacation home.”

January 6-obsessed correspondent Scott MacFarlane accidentally tipped their hand in showing how much of a non-story it was when he admitted that, “the Appeal to Heaven flag also hangs outside the office of Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson.”

If an indisputable “symbol” of the “insurrection” was being flown by the Speaker of the House all this time, why was this the first time it was mentioned? And why didn’t the other networks mention it? It appears they’re taking swings without being educated on the matter.

Do you know which flag was being flown at the Capitol in larger quantities than both the upside-down and Appeal to Heaven flags? Normal American flags. How long until the liberal media condemn them too? Too late.

The transcripts are below. Click “expand” to read:

ABC’s Good Morning America
May 23, 2024
7:09:17 a.m. Eastern

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: And there are new questions and criticism for Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito after The New York Times published pictures of a flag associated with the January 6 insurrection flying outside his summer home. This comes after the revelation last week that another flag associated with January 6 had been flying at his primary home. Chief justice correspondent Pierre Thomas has details. Good morning, Pierre.

PIERRE THOMAS: George, good morning. Everyone knows Justice Alito as a staunch conservative, but this morning more questions are being raised about whether he has political bias with two critical January 6 cases now before the U.S. Supreme Court.

[Cuts to video]

This morning, only days after it was revealed that Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito flew a flag associated with January 6th rioters at his Northern Virginia home, he’s facing new questions about another flag tied to supporters of President Trump. The New York Times publishing images of a pine tree flag outside of Alito’s New Jersey beach home last summer with the words “Appeal to Heaven.”

Like the upside-down flag, which had become synonymous with the Stop the Steal movement and flown in Alito’s home, the pine tree flag was carried by some pro-Trump supporters on January 6th as the Capitol was attacked.

Take a look at these images and you’ll see both flags clearly on display on January 6th as the mayhem unfolded. It’s unclear who posted the pine tree flag and what kind, if any, statement was being made.

The pine tree flag date back to the Revolutionary War and was flown on war ships commissioned under George Washington. But in recent years, the symbol has been associated with Christian nationalism.

Supreme Court justices are supposed to avoid the appearance of political bias and Democrats have already argued Alito should recuse himself from the January 6th cases now before the high court, including one which will resolve whether President Trump has immunity from prosecution.

This week, Democrats pounced on Alito’s upside-down flag controversy, raising questions about political bias.

SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER: (D-NY): Look, I think what he did was really the wrong thing to do, and it casts some doubt on impartiality and I’m discussing with Senator Durbin where we should go from here.

PIERRE: Alito has said the upside-down flag was placed at his home by his wife, who was in a dispute with a neighbor.

[Cuts back to live]

Justice Alito has yet to comment on the latest flag questions, though Supreme Court decisions on January 6th are expected in the coming days and weeks. Michael.

MICHAEL STRAHAN: All right, Pierre. Thank you very much for that.

CBS Mornings
May 23, 2024
8:13:22 a.m. Eastern

GAYLE KING: This morning, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito faces new calls to remove himself from cases tied to the former president and the assault on the capitol. The New York Times reports a second flag used by January 6th protestors was seen flying at Alito’s vacation home. Scott McFarlane looks at the modern message of that Revolutionary War banner.

[Cuts to video]

SCOTT MACFARLANE: You can see the white and green Appeal to Heaven flag amid the rioters who surged into the Capitol January 6th.


MACFARLANE: The siege helped make the flag a symbol of support for former President Trump and the conservative Christian nationalist movement.

According to this New York Times report Wednesday, an Appeal to Heaven flag was photographed flying at the New Jersey vacation home of conservative Supreme Court Justice Sam Alito last summer. The report comes days after Alito acknowledged an upside-down U.S. flag, also associated with the January 6th attack and the Stop the Steal movement, flew outside his Virginia home days after the deadly Capitol riot.

Alito argued he “had no involvement whatsoever in the flying of the flag” that was hung by his wife amid a dispute with neighbors. And recently, Alito argued free speech is under attack.

[Cuts to speech]

JUSTICE SAMUEL ALITO: Troubled waters are slamming against some of our most fundamental principles.

[Cuts to video]

MACFARLANE: The controversy comes as the court is deciding if Trump should have immunity from prosecution, which led some Democrats to call for Justice Alito to recuse himself from those cases.

[Cuts to Interview]

SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER (D-MAJ): What he did was the wrong thing to do and it casts some doubt on impartiality.

[Cuts to Video]

MACFARLANE: As the Appeal to Heaven flag also hangs outside the office of Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson. Johnson issued a statement in support writing he, “Has long appreciated the rich history of the flag as it was first used by General George Washington during the Revolutionary War.

[Cuts to Live]

Justice Alito has not responded to request for comment about this flag report. We do know that Senate Democrats want to vote on new Supreme Court ethics rules, but stands no chance of becoming law, Nate, without sufficient Republican support.

NBC’s Today
May 23, 2024
7:10:10 a.m. Eastern

SAVANNAH GUTHRIE: Also this morning, the calls are growing louder for Supreme Court Justice Alito to recuse himself from any cases related to January 6. This comes after another image has surfaced showing a second controversial flag on display at one of his properties.

NBC’s senior Washington correspondent Hallie Jackson has the story this morning. Hallie, good morning.

HALLIE JACKSON: Hey Savanah, good morning. We are seeing a fresh chorus of criticism from Democrats this morning, and it comes as the Supreme Court is set to decide key cases this term related to the Capitol attack and election interference, including whether former President Trump is immune from prosecution for trying to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

[Cuts to video]

Another Supreme Court controversy this morning involving Justice Samuel Alito over a new report of a flag flying outside his New Jersey beach house. According to The New York Times the so-called “Appeal to Heaven” flag, a green pine tree on a white background. A symbol carried by some rioters outside the capitol on January 6th. You see it here and here.

The Times citing three photographs it obtained from outside Alito’s property from last summer, along with accounts from a half a dozen neighbors and passersby as well as this Google street view picture from last August.

The flag, rooted in the Revolutionary War, has more recently become a symbol of support for Christian nationalism and for Donald Trump.

But now, renewed calls from the Democratic Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee for Alito to recuse himself from cases related to the 2020 election. Calling the incident, “Yet another example of apparent ethical misconduct.” Other Democrats agree.

SEN. RICHARD BLUMENTHAL (D-CT): At a very minimum, he has to recuse himself from these cases now coming before the court that will determine whether or not Trump is held accountable.

SEN. SHELDON WHITEHOUSE (D-RI): It really encapsulates all the problems we’ve had with this rogue Supreme Court and its refusal to accept any rule of law.

JACKSON: It’s the second time in less than a week Alito’s faced questions, after the Justice confirmed another provocative flag, an upside-down American flag, flew outside his Northern Virginia home in the days after January 6th. Telling The Times, “I had no involvement whatsoever in the flying of the flag” and that it was briefly placed by his wife in response to a neighbor’s use of objectionable and personally insulting language on yard signs.

The upside-down flag, long considered a distress signal, but’s been adopted by some Trump supporters backing the former President’s election fraud lies. Some Republicans after that report dismissing calls for recusal.

SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM (R-SC): I don’t think he should be recused. I think it was a mistake, but leave it to them to explain it.

[Cuts back to live]

JACKSON: We should note here that Justice Alito did not respond to The Times’ request for comment and the Court did not respond to NBC News.



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