
Former Baltimore Prosecutor Marilyn Mosby Receives Sentence for Perjury, Mortgage Fraud

On Thursday, former Baltimore, Maryland, prosecutor Marilyn Mosby received her sentence for convictions on mortgage fraud and perjury:

A former Baltimore city prosecutor who achieved a national profile for charging police officers in a Black man’s death was spared any prison time in her sentence Thursday for perjury and mortgage fraud.

Marilyn Mosby’s sentence includes 12 months of home confinement, 100 hours of community service and three years of supervised release.

After the hearing was adjourned, Mosby hugged her supporters, some of whom applauded when the judge announced the sentence.


The sentence does not appear to be out of line with what is essentially a white-collar crime. Mosby has regularly maintained her innocence on all counts:

Mosby was convicted of lying about her finances to make early withdrawals from retirement funds during the COVID-19 pandemic, and fraudulently claiming that her own $5,000 was a gift from her then-husband as she closed on a Florida condominium.

Mosby, 44, has maintained her innocence. She declined to address U.S. District Judge Lydia Kay Griggsby before learning her sentence. Her lawyers said they would appeal while they seek a presidential pardon.

It’s a sad day for Mosby and her family, the judge told Mosby. “It’s also a sad day for the city of Baltimore,” said Griggsby, adding that Mosby displayed a “pattern of dishonesty” while serving in a public office.

Earlier in May, the NAACP requested a presidential pardon for Mosby.

Previously on RedState: NAACP Asks Biden to Pardon Marilyn Mosby, Says Baltimore DA Case Was ‘Malicious Persecution’ by Trump DOJ

The prosecution in Mosby’s case had sought a prison term:

Griggsby questioned Assistant U.S. Attorney Sean Delaney when he argued for a 20-month sentence. “Are there victims and who are they?” she asked.

“It’s a good question, your honor,” Delaney responded. “I get it. This isn’t an embezzlement case.”

Delaney said it harms the public when a public official lies under oath: “All citizens are victims when their public officials lie,” he said.

Delaney also denied claims by Mosby’s supporters that she is a victim of selective prosecution and said she has repeatedly lied about the case and prosecutors’ handling of it.

“These lies demonstrate that Marilyn Mosby is unremorseful, that she has no regard for the truth,” Delaney said.


Mosby was convicted of withdrawing $90,000 from her Baltimore deferred compensation plan to make down payments on vacation homes in Florida; prosecutors maintained she falsely claimed that the COVID-19 pandemic had affected a “travel-oriented” side business she was operating while serving as prosecutor. The mortgage fraud charge arose from a $5,000 “gift letter” she submitted while applying for a mortgage for one of the Florida properties, claiming the money came from her husband, when it was in fact her own money.

See Related: Larry Hogan Has an Uphill Fight for Maryland’s Senate Seat Because Republicans Don’t Like Him

Mosby’s attorneys have said they will appeal her conviction while awaiting a presidential pardon.

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