
‘Shallow Bathtub’: CNNer Busts Out Laughing at Idea Trump Knows Policy

The end of the 7 a.m. hour of Wednesday morning’s CNN News Central report left us wondering how serious CNN takes their analysis. In an attempt to cover a story, respecting the opinions of both sides of the aisle, former Trump White House Communications Director Mike Dubke defended his former boss’s recent comments on contraception policy. However, instead of responding to his opinion in respectful disagreement, left-wing political analyst Bakari Sellers, interrupted the dialogue by laughing at his fellow panelist, going on to insult the former President. 

Host Kate Bolduan introduced the discussion, which led to Sellers’ inappropriate outburst, detailing an interview where former President Trump had been asked about contraceptives. She criticized him for the poor execution of his response as well as the clarity which the answer did, in fact lack. She then acknowledged the former President’s opinion on contraception which he later posted on Truth Social then opened the floor for Dubke to further explain.

Dubke resolved to look at the situation with a sense of charity explaining similar slip-ups had occurred before:

MIKE DUBKE: One I think this is in almost the exact same vein as the previous conversation we just had again, I in this case, I think I can be, I don’t need to be charitable. I’m going to make the direct assumption that Donald Trump misheard or didn’t think through the answer to the question when he said contraception and confused it with an abortion pill. And other parts of the conversation of Roe V. Wade.

I’m going to go there because we’ve seen we’ve seen in other campaigns, even Republican primary campaigns with Lisa Murkowski and Kelly Tshibaka and Alaska, where Murkowski uses very effectively. Now in that case, Kelly Tshibaka meant to say contraception. In this case, I think it was very clear that the president did not. His campaign cleaned it up.

He also pointed out that the anchor asking Trump the question seemed to have ulterior motives, and may have just been in search of a clickbait story.

This is why we can’t have nice things, for as soon as Dubke made his claim, Sellers interrupted the panel, laughing at the comment.

Sellers’ reaction was not entirely surprising considering the history of the network, yet that must not dissuade us from acknowledging the completely improper actions of one who was called to represent fair journalism and a higher form of decorum depicted. Yet Sellers not only claimed that the former President was lying about his stance on reproductive rights, but went on to state that “Trump has the policy depth of a shallow bathtub.”

Again this is no surprise to any regular at CNN

As the left-leaning media leaves behind its roots in traditional journalism, our standards mustn’t lower. The bare minimum should not have to be praised to see that journalism in the mainstream media is faltering. 

The transcript is below. Click “expand” to read:

CNN News Central
May 22, 2024
7:56 AM Eastern


KATE BOLDUAN: He was asked if he, if that, if, if that had something, if that meant he would support some restrictions on contraception and he kinda waffled through it and basically suggested that some states are going to have different policies than other then he backtracked on Truth Social. “I have never and will never advocate imposing restrictions on birth control or other contraceptives. I do not support a ban on birth control.” As he goes on. What is going on here Mike?

MIKE DUBKE: Well a couple of things. One I think this is in almost the exact same vein as the previous conversation we just had again, I in this case, I think I can be, I don’t need to be charitable. I’m going to make the direct assumption that Donald Trump misheard or didn’t think through the answer to the question when he said contraception and confused it with an abortion pill. And other parts of the conversation of Roe V. Wade.

I’m going to go there because we’ve seen we’ve seen in other campaigns, even Republican primary campaigns with Lisa Murkowski and Kelly Tshibaka and Alaska, where Murkowski uses very effectively. Now in that case, Kelly Tshibaka meant to say contraception. In this case, I think it was very clear that the president did not. His campaign cleaned it up.

But I also – Listening to the clip and I think it’s important to listen to the clip. I also wish and I think the American people also hope for this is that when it is that obvious of a faux pas, whether it be on the right or the left, that the anchor clean it up. I mean, I’m a bit dubious at the anchor wasn’t looking for some clickbait here in the way that he phrased the question and how we phrase the question too frankly, to an individual who’s had a lot on his mind this week. And been distracted by other items.

BAKARI SELLERS: [audibly laughing]

BOLDUAN: I will just say in defense of all anchors – I can’t get into any anchor’s mind, but in defense of all anchors, I ask the questions; an easier job to listen to my question and to answer it. Because I promise you I will follow up. Bakari go ahead. 

DUBKE: No. And I trust you will follow-up. I wish he had as well. 

BOLDUAN: That’s a good point.

SELLERS: I struggle with that answer so much because people come on this TV show and air all the time and give Joe Biden hell about his ability to do the job due to lack of energy or age or whatever. And to make the excuse that Donald Trump has a lot on his mind. I mean, he’s running for president of the United States. 

The fact is Donald Trump is responsible for overturning Roe V. Wade. He put the justices on the court to do it. And so contraception – this is the way that I would put it if I was a Joe Biden campaign, look if you want Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and Donald Trump deciding what your wife does with her body to re-elect Donald Trump. 

They don’t do well on this issue and they also don’t do well on policy which is why he stumbles. People vote for Donald Trump for something else, they vote for Donald Trump for that machismo for what they believe to be strength. People don’t vote for Donald Trump for that policy depth, because he has none. Donald Trump has the policy depth of a shallow bathtub.

And that’s what you see when you have him try to answer things about reproductive health, he simply cannot.



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