
Maher Comes to the Defense of Harrison Butker and Skewers the Mania of the Left

The left’s furor over Kansas City Chief’s Harrison Butker’s commencement address was something else, as we’ve reported. They’ve skewered him in the media and some were even trying to get him kicked off his team. 


The Kansas City X account even doxxed him and NFL threw him to the wolves saying his views weren’t theirs. 

What did he do? He spoke about living your Catholic values at a Catholic college. 

What they mainly lost their minds over was what they claimed he said about women that hey should be back in the kitchen. 

But that isn’t what he said. What he was talking about was choice and valuing the vocation of being a wife and a mother in today’s world that doesn’t always do that. He praised his wife and even choked up about how much she had helped him achieve what he had achieved.  Would that we all had a spouse who appreciated us and loved us like that. 


Woke Outrage Mob Comes for Harrison Butker, but It’s What the City of KC Did That Takes the Cake

‘Drag Them’: Missouri AG Minces No Words, Vows Action After Kansas City Tweet About Harrison Butker

On Friday, on his “Real Time” show, Bill Maher came to the defense of the truth and Butker, bringing a little reality into what he actually said versus what the media was alleging. They’re treating Butker like “history’s greatest monster,” Maher said. 


Warning for graphic language: 

‘Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world.’ Ok, that seems fairly, like, modern. ‘But I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world.’ I don’t see what the big crime is. I really don’t.”

“And I think this is part of the problem people have with the left is that lots of people in this country are like this. Like he’s saying some of you may go on to lead successful careers, but a lot of you are excited about this other way that people- everybody used to be. And now can’t that be a choice too?” Maher continued.

“And I feel like they feel very put upon, like there’s only one way to be a good person and that’s to get an advanced degree from one of those a– h–e factories like Harvard.”

He also made another great point about some of the people on the left at those “factories” noting that some of those people are “demonstrating for Hamas.”  And with Hamas. “It’s not just an opinion in Hamas, that you stay home and have the babies. They will enforce you [do] that!”



That’s one of the good things about Maher: he’s willing to point out those little ironies and hypocrisies of the left with which they don’t like being confronted. He isn’t shy about calling them out when they go over the edge as they did here. 

The left’s attack on Butker after his remarks proved the truth of what Butker said in those remarks. There are those that will try to dictate and tell you how you should act and who you should be. You should stand up for your values, even in the face of them. Good for Bill Maher, even though he is different, for standing up for that right and for common sense. 



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