
Gender Doctor: Genital Surgery is an ‘Adventure for Young People’

The Daily Caller has been running a series of investigative reports into the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH). In the latest installment, they feature a video of a presentation given by a Canadian transgender surgeon named Dr. Alex Laungaini. I will warn you in advance that if you read the article or watch the video, it contains some absolutely gruesome, disturbing descriptions of genital mutilation surgery so the faint of heart may want to avoid this one. Laungaini focuses on phalloplasty (the process of creating a fake penis on a female patient) and describes the lengthy list of horrible complications that typically arise in patients, as well as the shockingly high rate at which such complications occur. Despite all of that, he tells his “young” patients that they are about to embark on “an adventure” together. But this is nothing like what you might expect to find in Wonderland or somewhere over the rainbow.


A prominent plastic surgeon referred to genital sex change surgery as an “adventure” for young individuals during a presentation hosted by the world’s most prominent professional association for gender medicine, according to video exclusively obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Dr. Alex Laungani, a Mayo Clinic-trained Canadian plastic surgeon, discussed phalloplasty procedures during two closed-to-the-public presentations at a September 2022 educational series hosted by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH). The DCNF obtained video recordings of the educational series through a public records request. When asked at the conference about how “young” these patients may be, Laungani said “definitely age of majority.”

Phalloplasty involves a series of surgeries that can include removing the genital organs of a female, lengthening the urethra, harvesting tissue from the forearm to surgically create an artificial penile shaft and then placing penile and testicular implants into the newly created shaft. Phalloplasty is among a number of controversial procedures and treatments euphemistically referred to by activists and some doctors as “gender-affirming care.”

As noted in the excerpt above, Laungani was asked how “young” the patients might be during the presentation. He responded by saying “definitely age of majority,” which is either 18 or 19 in Canada, depending on which province you are in. But we know that’s not always the case in other places. Doctors seem to be in a rush to push younger patients into the trans pipeline and many will cut corners if they think they can get away with it.


The rates of complications or “negative outcomes” following these phalloplasty surgeries are horrifying. The doctor admits that the rate frequently runs above 40%, while other specialists put it at closer to 80%. Laungani says that he typically tells patients, “There could be delays because of complications — definitely there will be complications. Either it’s stenosis, fistulas, or partial necrosis, wound healing delays, and stuff like that.” (I will leave you to look up those maladies if you have the stomach for it.)

In other words, if you sign up to have this surgery done, it’s a near certainty that there will be problems and they could be very serious. The doctor also said that all phalloplasty patients should have lifelong urological follow-up visits scheduled. I’m not trying to intentionally sound cynical here, but that certainly sounds like a way to arrange for a steady income stream for decades to come.

I’m not going to go into a detailed list of the complications that were listed because, as I said, they are graphic and quite gruesome. These complications all seem to share one common trait, however. They are all the result of the patient’s body attempting to naturally heal itself. These trans surgeries intentionally create open wounds in the bodies of patients that will have to be tended to for the rest of their lives. They end fertility in both genders and they are entirely irreversible. And this horror show is being conducted at more hospitals than you can shake a stick at, all in the name of providing “care” to young people who are gender-confused and would very likely grow out of that phase given enough time. It’s simply too awful for words to adequately describe.




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