
The NFL Wages War on Player Who Supports Traditional Values! (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Grant Stinchfield

Kansas City Chief’s kicker Harrison Butker is now being attacked by the NFL for his comments made during a recent commencement address at Benedictine College, a small Catholic school in Kansas. To some his comments may be controversial, to others, they make total sense. He addressed traditional gender roles, abortion and a sitting President who displays nothing but hypocrisy when it comes to his Catholicism.

It is despicable that the NFL will denounce Butker’s comments while actively encouraging other NFL players to kneel for the National Anthem and push other woke causes. In this podcast, we will unpack many of Butker’s comments, including the one comment Butker made that sums up why Donald Trump is leading in nearly every poll.

Plus, I will offer my rules for the Trump-Biden debates. Joe isn’t going to like them.



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