
Northwestern University Journalism Professor Says the Quiet Part Out Loud “Our Work is Not About Objectivity” | The Gateway Pundit | by Margaret Flavin

Northwestern University Journalism Instructor Steven Thrasher /Image: @thrasherxy/X

Northwestern University has already signaled its willingness to cave to radical behavior.

The Gateway Pundit reported that the university recently announced their concessions to the radical Hamas supporters who took over their campus to end their protests and encampment.

Two of the most notable include the promise to offer full-ride scholarships to Palestinian students and the guarantee of faculty jobs for Palestinian academics.

The University will also provide special housing for Muslim students and will “advise employers not to rescind job offers for students engaging in speech protected by the First Amendment.”

However, it seems that at least one professor’s behavior is concerning enough that the school has launched an investigation.

Journalism instructor Steven Thrasher is being investigated after a clash with police at an anti-Israel demonstration in April, where he actively encouraged students to resist law enforcement.

Even more troubling was the content of a speech he gave to students at the pro-Hamas encampment, “Our Work is Love,”  which was posted online. In his remarks,  he dismissed the need for a commitment to objectivity for journalists and also referred to Ahmed Hassan, the son of a Houthi youth minister, as a “comrade.”

“To the Medill students and journalists within ear shot, I say to you: our work is not about objectivity. Our work is not about ‘scooping’ one another. Our work is about you putting your brilliant minds to work, and opening your compassionate hearts, and linking your arms together understanding all of our fates are interconnected.”

Thrasher’s “comrade” Hassan consistently posts anti-American, anti-Christian, and anti-Jewish sentiments on social media.

The College Fix reports:

Hassan sees many other allies beyond American college campuses, according to screenshots compiled by The Fix.

Hassan recently shared a post in Arabic that said, “May God be satisfied with Hamas” and wrote “Hamas is winning.”

The terrorist group killed around 1,200 people, including small children, raped women, and took hundreds of hostages during its October 2023 attack on Israel.

“Israel is losing,” Hassan posted on April 6. “Soon enough, it will ask all the citizens to join the army[.] Hamas will end them all[.]”

In other posts, Hassan wrote “Hezbollah” with a supportive heart emoji and posted pictures of the flag of the Lebanese group, which has killed hundreds of Americans.

Hassan also reacted positively to a post celebrating “solidarity” between Iran and Yemen against Israel and reposted a user who said, “Love live Ansar Allah,” a reference to the Houthi rebels.



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