
NGOs Making Bank on Border Crisis

  • May 13, 2024

Would you like to make more than half a million dollars a year without having any discernable skills? Well, the easiest way is to become a music therapist for migrant children. Christy Merrell was paid $533,000 in 2021 to soothe the savage breasts of migrant children in 2021 by the government-funded nonprofit “Endeavors.“ Advertisement Personally, […]


Horror Show: Dying Man Uploads Personality to AI

  • May 13, 2024

Michael Bommer is dying, and I don’t mean in the sense that everyone is eventually destined to shrug off this mortal coil. The 60-year-old German man is in the terminal stages of untreatable cancer and he might not even make it to the time you read this article. But Mr. Bommer does not intend to […]


UN Quietly Revises Its Gaza Casualty Figures Downward (Update)

  • May 13, 2024

One of the ongoing arguments about the war in Gaza has been over the reliability of the casualty figures which are routinely updated by the Gaza Health Ministry, an organization under the control of Hamas. Israel has repeatedly questioned those numbers and has argued that a far greater percentage of the death tool is made […]


US Has Been Withholding Intel on Hamas Locations, Tunnels?

  • May 13, 2024

I saw this report, and my jaw dropped.  The US is trying to bribe Israel into refraining from entering Rafah, offering intelligence on where Hamas leaders are and the locations of secret Hamas tunnels.  Advertisement US said offering intel on Hamas leaders’ whereabouts if Israel drops major Rafah op. If true, this means that the […]


San Francisco Is Giving Free Booze to Homeless Alcoholics

  • May 13, 2024

Ah, San Francisco. The city where good ideas go to die. As we’ve discussed repeatedly, the City by the Bay has been battling an epidemic of crime and homelessness for years. Residents with the means to do so have been fleeing in significant numbers. Drug abuse and alcohol addiction have been running rampant among the […]