
MRC President Bozell to Google CEO: Give Us ‘Concrete Proof’ You Aren’t Interfering in US Elections

The Media Research Center has put Google on notice: Enough is enough.

MRC President Brent Bozell is calling on the CEO of Alphabet, Google’s parent company, to disprove MRC Free Speech America’s findings that the tech giant has meddled in U.S. elections at least 41 times in the past 16 years to favor the most left-wing candidates.

In a Tuesday letter addressed to Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai, Bozell posed a simple but critical demand: Provide “concrete proof” Google is not interfering in U.S. elections or face the consequences. 

“Americans demand answers, and either way, I will make sure they have them,” Bozell wrote in the one-page letter. “If I do not hear from you by April 9, I will have no choice but to make your recalcitrance public.”

Bozell’s remarks came after the publication of a scorching Special Report by MRC Free Speech America that compiled at least 41 times when Google interfered in U.S. elections since 2008 when Barack Obama and his radical left-wing agenda were first propelled to power. Fast forward to 2024 and Google is now helping President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign, the MRC report unveiled.

Read the Special Report Here! 41 Times Google Has Interfered in US Elections Since 2008

Despite the growing condemnation aimed at Google, the tech giant has yet to provide concrete proof that dispels MRC’s findings. “We have waited over a week for Google to provide a substantive rebuttal,” Bozell added, referencing Google’s weak response to the MRC’s findings a week prior.

In remarks to Fox News—the outlet granted exclusive access to the report—a Google spokesperson chastised the MRC Special Report as a “recycled list of baseless” and “inaccurate complaints. Tellingly, the Google spokesperson cited not a single source of evidence to back the tech giant’s claims.

In the letter, MRC President Bozell highlighted disturbing remarks from Jenn Gennai,  a director of Google’s Responsible Innovation Team, who was caught on a 2019 video suggesting that the tech giant had the power to block then-President Donald Trump from clinching victory in 2020. Highlighting Gennai’s remarks, Bozell further explained:

“Since your own executives have promised to use your company’s resources to push left-wing causes and values, including ‘preventing the next Trump situation,’ it is incumbent on you to provide concrete proof that Google is no longer interfering in the 2024 presidential election and that it did not interfere in previous elections as outlined in our study.”

MRC Free Speech America Vice President Dan Schneider, who co-authored the Special Report, echoed Bozell’s sentiments, saying: “Our researchers have done excellent, honest, ethical work showing what Google does in the dark of night to swing elections in favor of their candidates of choice. Never once has Google denied that it buried Republican presidential candidates’ websites. Not once. For Google now to claim that our work has been refuted is as false as their claim that they are unbiased.” 

In his letter, Bozell did not mince words about Google’s undisputable impact in U.S. elections. He said that the tech giant, with its “huge reach” and “massive budget,” is “fighting against the values that allowed it to become one of the largest corporations in history.”



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