
Putin Calls Tucker Carlson ‘Dangerous Person’ Following Their Interview

Tucker Carlson conducted a two-hour interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin. As RedState reported, Carlson received criticism from the mainstream media, politicians like Adam Schiff, and Democrat-run social media accounts because he dared to interview Putin, just like other journalists have done in the past.


Putin told Russian News Agency TASS that Carlson is a “dangerous person.” Putin said that Tucker did not ask questions the way the Russian President thought he would.

For those who have not seen the interview yet, it is available on Carlson’s website, as well as X. 

Carlson did not interrupt Putin often, allowing him to answer the questions asked, as Russia’s President spent about one hour giving a history lesson on Russia and Europe. 

The interview on X has received over 200 million impressions and the post has over one million likes. This is just another example of X becoming the new media. 

As noted earlier, following the interview, Putin called Carlson a “dangerous person.” 

I think that your Carlson (when I say ‘your’, I mean that he is a member of the journalistic shop) is a dangerous person.

The Russian President continued, saying he was prepared for Tucker to ask questions in an aggressive manner. 


Putin “imagined he [Carlson] would behave in an aggressive manner and would ask so-called sharp questions.” 

Not only was I prepared for that, I wanted that, since it would provide me with an opportunity to respond likewise sharply, which, I believe, would give a certain special character to our whole conversation. However, he opted for different tactics, he tried to interrupt me several times, but still, surprisingly for a Western journalist, he was patient, he listened to my long speeches, especially those related to history, and did not let me do what I would have been ready to do.

As RedState reported, during the interview with TASS, Putin revealed that he would prefer the U.S. to re-elect President Biden over former President Donald Trump. 

During the World Governments Summit, Carlson spoke about his interview with Putin and why he chose to interview the Russian President.

I wanted to interview Putin because he’s the leader of a country that the U.S. Government is sort of at war with but not in a declared way.

At the summit, Tucker was asked if Putin was interested in a compromise.


Putin wants to get out of this war. He’s not going to become more open to negotiation the longer this [war] goes on. One of the things we’ve learned in the course of the last two years is that Russia’s industrial capacity is a lot more profound than we thought it was… I have heard personally U.S. Government officials say, ‘well, we’re just going to have to return Crimea to Ukraine.’ … that’s not going to happen short of a nuclear war. That’s insane, actually.

Here is Tucker’s full segment at the World Governments Summit. 



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