
NBC News Runs ‘Inspiring Bomb Threats’ Smear of Libs of TikTok Founder

During its coverage of the New Hampshire primary, NBC News Now seized upon the opportunity to smear Libs of Tik Tok founder Chaya Raichik as being linked to “school bomb threats”. The vehicle was a report on Raichik’s appointment as an adviser to the Oklahoma Education Department’s Library Media Advisory Committee. 

Watch the video brief that ran between news segments, and which laid out the incendiary claim:


Libs of TikTik creator accused of inspiring school bomb threats named to state library board

Chaya Raichik, who runs the inflammatory Libs of Tik Tok social media account, was named an adviser to an Oklahoma State Department of Education’s library committee. 

NBC News seems to be quite mad that Raichik, known among other things for exposing the woke mind virus within our school system, now has a role wherein she can provide oversight for an entire state’s library content. 

Per the published report:

A far-right influencer who was accused of instigating bomb threats against a school library in Tulsa, Oklahoma, last year has been named an adviser to a state library committee, the head of the state Education Department announced Tuesday.

Chaya Raichik, who runs the incendiary Libs of TikTok social media accounts and is not an Oklahoma resident, was appointed to the Education Department’s Library Media Advisory Committee.

Far-right! Incendiary! It seems pretty clear here that the object of this article is to stoke hysteria. Despite the emphasis on bomb threats, the report admits that none of them turned out to be credible.

So why even mention the bomb threats? In order to smear an individual whose work has brought accountability to school districts pushing a woke agenda aimed at sexualizing grade school children. 

Raichik did not respond to a set of questions. The Libs of TikTok account replied to a request for comment on X with a compilation of drawings seemingly from young adult novels that depict sexual encounters and asked: “Do you think this is appropriate for kids in school?”

The article never does answer Raichik’s question, which is an admission in and of itself that is worth keeping in mind. That particular question is consistent with the mission of Libs of TikTok: to hold a mirror up to the left.

And in lashing out at Raichik, they make clear that they do not like what they see reflected back to them.



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