
It’s OK When Democrats Do It… Election Denier Joe Biden Says Terry McAullife is the Real Governor of Virginia at Virginia Rally (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

Joe Biden’s handlers took Old Joe on the road today for a campaign event.

Old Joe, Dr. Jill, Kamala HeeHaw Harris, and First Gentleman Doug Elmhoff pretended to campaign today in Manassas, Virginia on Tuesday. It’s not clear how many of the attendees were paid activists or union workers.

Manassas is an hour drive from Washington DC.

The Biden regime is going to focus their campaign on abortion this year. This is the truly the party of death and destruction.

As he opened his speech with this, “Hello Virginia! And Terry McAuliffe the real governor of Virginia!”

It’s OK when Democrats say elections were stolen.

Only Republicans cannot challenge elections.
It’s OK when Democrats do it.



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