As I’ve said before, George Soros has been on my radar for a long time because he continues to appear anti-democratic. As a quick refresher, Soros grew up in Hungary and was recruited into a Jewish council as a child. These councils were set up by Nazis to do their bidding against the Jews’ own people. Soros was assigned the job of confiscating Jewish property in his community. As an adult looking back on this time in his childhood, Soros has said the experience wasn’t difficult at all. His own father has indicated George seemed to have enjoyed working with the Nazis.
As an adult, Soros is actively working to see the end of America, evidence which is namely in the form of his investments. He has funded electing liberal district attorneys into office while advocating for defunding the police. Yet he does this cunningly by giving to one cause to ensure it makes its way to another. His network of fact-checkers cover his tracks, and the CIA and FBI leave him alone. As I expected, out of his five children, his son Alexander is set to fill his father’s role.
Alexander Soros was named “successor” to George in the Wall Street Journal in June, just before his father turned 93 in August. George, of course, has been implementing legacy plans for how his work will continue which the Wall Street Journal documented in their first interview with Alexander, who plans to continue to fund leftist initiatives. Alexander is now overseeing “the $25 billion empire” and nonprofit Open Society Foundations (OSF). Labeled an American philanthropist and a younger son of the five Soros children, 38-year-old Alexander is also one of the World Economic Forum’s young global leaders of 2018 and beyond.
WATCH: Candace Owens
This year, he spoke on a panel at the World Economic Forum in Davos. It was a rare opportunity to be able to hear him speak, but listening to him, I was genuinely shocked. He commented on technology, democracy, institutions, and Trump. At least, he said those words somewhere in his dialogue. He also said:
I don’t think that that’s the fundamental, I don’t think technology is fundamental issue in in democracy. Democracy is messy. I mean, you know, democracy is about contestation of ideas. It’s about plurality. It’s about people having different truths, actually. Now, fundamentally, how society lives together, civically, in those in those contestations is, you know, is obviously, is obviously, you know, quite, quite, you know, quite tricky.
And, you know, you know, we just heard this this point about untrustworthy people and we talked about things in the United States like, you know, like checks and balances which aren’t written anywhere but are customs. And one man, Donald Trump, literally came in and just took that, you know, took that, took that all away, you know, so, you know, so, you know, but when I see this, you know, when I look at this, you know, you know, more globally regarding, regarding, you know, regarding democracy, I also say to myself, when was this great time that everybody got along so well and, you know, things were going so, so great?
I was shocked at what came out of his mouth — or rather, what didn’t. I never imagined that. He is one of the individuals who get up on stage at this forum — a forum built around people who think they are the brightest people in the world and everyone else is too stupid to know how to live their own lives. So they sit down, plot, and think about the future of the world together because they don’t think anyone is smart enough to know how to take care of themselves.
To be sure, Alexander Soros is a trust fund baby. However, being a trust fund baby does not automatically equal stupidity. Coming from wealth also does not mean you did not earn some of your success. Yet Alexander Soros, the man who has just inherited billions of dollars and is going to represent the future, cannot so much as string together a sentence. Absolutely nothing he said made any sense. I have listened to the clip of his panel multiple times, but his words make no sense. They’re incoherent. I actually tried to figure out how he could say so much and absolutely nothing at all within a two minute span. Even someone on drugs or hungover could get a few sentences out. But not Alexander Soros.
This would actually be hilarious if it wasn’t for the fact that Soros has inherited billions and is going to shape the future of this country. He has the ability to do that because of the wealth that his father earned, which I emphasize because he clearly isn’t capable of earning that sort of wealth on his own. Alexander Soros is a trust fund baby — and he’s not a bright one.
So I will leave you with some final words from Alexander Soros:
I mean, I think, you know, you know, the, you know, I think that we really have to be careful here. And, you know, in this nostalgia for a time, you know, for a time past, because a lot of the reactions we’re seeing in society are actually reactions to positive, positive things like, you know, like equality for women, you know, and, you know, and greater diversity, which comes with backlash.
Who knows what he was trying to say.