
Fireworks Between Haley and Fox Hosts: Accuses Them of Being for Trump, Reveals If She’ll Withdraw

Fox has had the GOP candidates on their network, so it wasn’t surprising that they might have former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley in on Tuesday. 

But things started to go south when they started asking her about the reality of how she did in Iowa and that former President Donald Trump was far ahead in the polls in New Hampshire, asking if she would drop out if she loses in New Hampshire. 


Ainsley Earhardt said that they loved her in South Carolina, but they also loved Trump, and Haley is behind by a lot in South Carolina, too. 

“You don’t want to go into your state and lose that state if you stay in the race. Because we’d love to see you in some other capacity down the road. What is your response to that? Do you get out if you lose today?” Earnhardt asked Haley.

Haley did not like that. 

“No, I don’t get out if I lose today,” Haley declared.

“I’m going to say this. We’ve had 56,000 people vote for Donald Trump. And you’re going to say that’s what the country wants. That’s not what the country wants. We’re going to have New Hampshire vote today. They deserve to have the power of their voice.”

Brian Kilmeade asked her how she was going to make up the difference and noted she was down in South Carolina some “40 to 50 points.”  Haley denied that was the case. She claimed they already made an ad buy for South Carolina. She said she was going to run through the tape. 


“I don’t care how much y’all want to coronate Donald Trump. At the end of the day, that’s not what Americans want. Americans want a choice. And we’re going to give them that same.”

“Coronate, lie, not tell the truth, what you said on the couch,” Kilmeade pushed back. “I’m really wondering why you think we’re the enemy.”

“Because I’ve looked at the media, look at the media saying, ‘Oh, this is Donald Trump’s to have,’ look at the political class all coalescing and saying, ‘everybody needs to get out,’ she replied. “That’s not democracy. That’s not who we are, who we are. When have we ever had two people down to two people in New Hampshire? And you say, oh, it’s over. We don’t do that. South Carolina is an amazing state.”

Then Fox interviewed New Hampshire voters who had been watching the interview, and they didn’t like it at all. 

So we’ll have to see how the night goes and if she sticks to that thought that she’s going to stay in for a while even if she loses. I think it might depend on how close it is. If Trump delivers a decisive blow, what’s the argument for staying in and perhaps facing an embarrassment in South Carolina? Just to make everyone spend more money that isn’t directed at Biden? But everyone says they wouldn’t withdraw… until they withdraw. 



LIVE: New Hampshire Primary Results

Haley Sweeps Dixville Notch, New Hampshire



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