
ESG-Obsessed Bloomberg News Frets Flying Too Comfortable and Too Cheap

After relentlessly pushing environmentalism on businesses, ESG-obsessed Bloomberg News whined that flights may be too frequent and too comfortable. 

A Jan. 22 article for Bloomberg News headlined “No-Frills Flying Emerges as Travel’s Painful, Greener Future” lauded budget airlines for reducing customer space and flight perks, but lamented that cheaper flights drive an increase in customers. After praising more spartan airlines for their choices, Bloomberg reporter Angus Whitley admitted that “the budget flight movement has also driven a boom in air-travel demand because of the bargain ticket prices.” However, he disclaimed: “Low-cost carriers were responsible for almost 90% of growth in fuel use and CO2 emissions from US airlines between 2005 and 2019, according to the International Council on Clean Transportation.” 

It is almost as if Bloomberg does not want Americans to fly at all. 

In the news piece, Whitley cited ICCT Director of Research Dan Rutherford, who first fretted about customers benefiting from low-cost flights before proposing radical measures to hurt airline passengers. “It’s time for more punitive measures, according to Rutherford. There’s ‘clearly’ a need for policies such as a tax on frequent fliers or a price on carbon, he said,” Whitley wrote.

Notably, Whitley also published an article on Aug. 10, 2023, arguing that the industry must decarbonize and massively raise prices on consumers to do so. “Some $5 trillion of capital investment may be needed to deliver on aviation’s goal of reaching carbon neutrality by 2050, almost all of it plowed into sustainable fuel production and renewable power generation, according to McKinsey & Co,” he wrote at the time. “It’s a mountain of money so large it could wipe out global airline revenue for the best part of a decade.”

This leftist media outlet doesn’t just publish articles advocating for net zero and against customers. Leftist billionaire owner Michael Bloomberg celebrated his infamous Bloomberg Philanthropies Impact Report in June 2023. This report detailed extensive attacks on new and existing sources of energy in the United States such as coal and natural gas. 

The Impact Report also provided ESG ratings for 5,500 companies. Bloomberg Sustainable Finance Associate Katrina White admitted that her company is aware of the role these ratings play in putting pressure on companies to embrace radical environmentalism. 

Conservatives are under attack! Conservatives are under attack! Contact Bloomberg News at [email protected] and demand the outlet disclose its parent company’s ESG interests in every ESG article it publishes from now on



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