
Behar Admits Dems Want Trump to Be Nominee, Wants Haley in to Annoy Him

With the polls open for the New Hampshire primary, the Tuesday edition of ABC’s The View began with the Cackling Coven giving their worthless hot takes on the state of the Republican field they would never vote for. Confirming what many have suggested, co-host Joy Behar admitted that Democrats, including some of the cast, wanted former President Donald Trump to be the GOP nominee because they thought he posed an easier fight in the general election.

They also pleaded for former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley to stay in the race and at least just be a nuisance to Trump.

Not leaning on cries of “sexism” this time, faux conservative Alyssa Farah Griffin proclaimed that everyone needed to vote for Haley in the primary “Because this man is so uniquely unfit that we cannot lose the forest for the trees.” She decried those on the left who claimed Haley posed a threat to the country on par with Trump.

Behar countered Farah Griffin’s advocacy for Haley by admitting that “there are some Democrats included who think that Biden has a better chance of winning if he goes up against Trump.” “He does,” staunchly racist and anti-Semitic co-host Sunny Hostin agreed.

Co-host Sara Haines also thought that line of thinking had merit. “He probably has a better chance against Donald Trump than he does Nikki Haley. So, there could be a positive flip side if you don’t want Trump,” she argued.

“That’s a major gamble. That is a scary gamble,” Alyssa Farah warned.

On Haley’s future in the race post-New Hampshire, Behar and moderator Whoopi Goldberg wanted her to stay in the race no matter what just to be horn in Trump’s side:

BEHAR: The more she stays in, the more demented he looks. Because, right – [Applause] She needs to stay there so that he can talk about –

GOLDBERG: Just to annoy him.

BEHAR: Just to annoy him.

Continuing to admit inconvenient truths, Behar admitted she’s “noticed” that President Biden is “physically frail.” Hostin tried to argue that his health was perfectly fine because Biden “rides his bike.” “He rides his bike, but he’s thin. You know. And sometimes the knees start to go when you’re older,” she said. But she tried to blunt the truth by suggesting his “brain is working.”

Behar downplayed Biden’s failing mental state by focusing on Trump’s mental slips. “He keeps saying that he’s running against Obama. He said that Biden was going to start World War II,” she huffed.

Hostin asserted that Trump’s comments could indicate “a decline in mental health”

But Behar undermined her arguments from previous shows where she suggested that since she and Biden were similar ages and she’s fine, that means the President’s mind was solid. Throughout her ranting, she showed off her own mental lapses when she falsely claimed Trump got out of serving in Vietnam by saying he had “bone spores” instead of “bone spurs.” She also insisted that Trump was going to make ID cards a requirement to buy bread.

The transcript is below. Click “expand” to read:

ABC’s The View
January 23, 2024
11:03:07 a.m. Eastern


JOY BEHAR: The more she stays in, the more demented he looks. Because, right –


She needs to stay there so that he can talk about –

WHOOPI GOLDBERG: Just to annoy him.

BEHAR: Just to annoy him. You know, I mean, he has had so many gaffes. You know, they talk about Biden being old. Biden may be physically frail. He is a little bit. I noticed that.

SUNNY HOSTIN: He rides his bike a lot!

BEHAR: He rides his bike, but he’s thin. You know. And sometimes the knees start to go when you’re older, but the brain is working.


BEHAR: The other guy, okay. He keeps saying that he’s running against Obama.


ALYSSA FARAH GRIFFIN: Which he’s never been, by the way.

BEHAR: He said that Biden was going to start World War II. Hello, you had bone spores [sic] –

[Crosstalk, cast collectively telling her “bone spurs”]

BEHAR: Bone spurs during the Vietnam War, wasn’t it? All right, well, anyway, he didn’t do either one. He confused Hamas with hummus.


He alleged voter that I.D. is needed to buy a loaf of bread. That will happen if he gets in. He warned about whales washing up on shore. He says that veterans don’t have cell phones. And now he’s confusing Nancy Pelosi with Nikki Haley.


BEHAR: So, in addition to having —

GOLDBERG: Is that because to him everybody looks alike.

BEHAR: All the white people.


No, he says she was there on January 6th. Nikki Haley was not there on January 6th. Nancy Pelosi was there.

HOSTIN: It could be a decline in mental health.

BEHAR: But in addition to all these demented moments, he has narcissistic personality disorder.


11:09:06 a.m. Eastern

FARAH GRIFFIN: Because this man is so uniquely unfit that we cannot lose the forest for the trees.

BEHAR: But there are some Democrats included who think that Biden has a better chance of winning if he goes up against Trump.

HOSTIN: He does.

BEHAR: What is your opinion of that?

FARAH GRIFFIN: That’s a major gamble. That is a scary gamble.

SARA HAINES: He probably has a better chance against Donald Trump than he does Nikki Haley. So, there could be a positive flip side if you don’t want Trump that —

HOSTIN: And I don’t want Nikki Haley in the Oval Office. I think she’s an enigma.

FARAH GRIFFIN: But you don’t think she’s as dangerous as Donald Trump.

BEHAR: She’s not as dangerous as Trump.

HOSTIN: I don’t think we know her.

GOLDBERG: Nobody knows how dangerous anybody is. Nobody knows any of this, and I’m just going to put out we know –

HAINES: We know Donald Trump though.

GOLDBERG: We know what he is. We have not seen how dangerous he can be, but we don’t know how dangerous somebody else can be because now he’s opened the door for people doing whatever they want to do.




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