
Michigan GOP Chair Kristina Karamo Has Something of a Problem on the Amount of GOP Headquarters’ Rent

I’m the most Republican, non-Republican ever born.

I give more of a damn about having a legitimate counterweight to the Michigan Democrats here than the people who have been members of this party for years (and have made lots of dough off of it, probably).


That’s how messed up it is right now.

Before I get into state Republican Party chairperson Kristina Karmo’s odd relationship with the truth, let’s do a quick recap of moi covering this story, where I shall act like the Parks Over Police attention seekers and I shall demand adoration. 

While covering this story, I have asked former President Trump, in between his campaigning and court appearances, to jump in and give his two cents on this Karamo-made debacle. 

READ: Paging Donald Trump: We Have a Political Fire in Michigan That Needs to Be Resolved ASAP With Your Help

He is too busy.

Then I thought maybe the former chair of the Michigan GOP, who is currently the National Chair, might have some influence and or time behind the scenes to knock some heads around.

READ: Looks Like National Party Is Not Anxious to Get Involved in Michigan GOP Mess

Now that we are just a bit over 10 months away from one of the biggest national elections in this nation’s history, does it not concern anyone that the Michigan GOP just neutered itself?

I was told that if nothing happened or a statement was released from GOP on the national level, they would probably stay out of it and see what happens at the Saturday meeting. 

That of course is the safest route of all.

National doesn’t want to get too deeply involved in state issues, and generally, states don’t want to get involved with counties. However in Michigan the past couple of years there have been instances of the state party interfering in Macomb County and Hillsdale County.

Yet I was hoping that there would be some direction from the national party because the current chairperson is Ronna McDaniel and she of course was the head of the Michigan GOP When Donald Trump won the state in 2016 by 11,000 votes. My thinking is that she might still have some pull with folks here to try and get this cleaned up as soon as possible.


The sound you hear is the sound of silence. No one on the national scene wants to get involved in a self-inflicted gunshot wound on the state party level, and you can’t blame them. 

I don’t because the blame is quite clear, and it should have been handled months before it was (allegedly) finally handled last Saturday, January 6th.

It was already clear back in March of 2023–not even a month after Karamo was elected chair, in what became a huge cluster you-know-what of a convention, which was covered here.

Kristina Karamo, the new chairwoman of the Michigan Republican Party, announced Monday she doesn’t plan to use the GOP’s longtime headquarters in Lansing, a development that represents a significant shift in the party’s operations.

Karamo, a frequent critic of the so-called Republican “establishment,” contended there were better ways to expend donors’ contributions than paying a trust, run by former party chairs, that controls the property. It would cost about $12,000 a month to keep operating out of the building, wrote Karamo and her co-chair, Malinda Pego, in an “update” email to Republican activists.

I was so stunned by this blatantly idiotic move, I wrote this piece.

READ: Did the Michigan GOP Just Concede the 2024 POTUS Race With Its Latest Move?

As it turns out, I’m like a political Nostradamus, but much more fun at a party because the other one was such a bore.


Yet now, with another Michigan GOP meeting this Saturday, the 13th, which Karamo claims is the only legitimate meeting, to bounce her from the seat that she possibly was bounced from last Saturday–here is the thing that must be answered.

Karamo, in her position as GOP chair, has sued the trust that owns the building, where the GOP has held operations for over a decade, to “find out” who owns the building. She claims this is just to clear up any ambiguity about the issue, although there was none–before she became chair and just flat out abandoned the headquarters, before she had even found out where the bathrooms were. Rumors of her wanting to sell the building, in the unlikely eventuality the Michigan GOP owns it, to retire the debt she has not been able to pay off is just a rumor.

Yet, documents that I have received and first heard about at Rescue Michigan show that one of the first acts Karamo made was based on a misunderstanding.

A YUGE, possible misunderstanding that no one can logically explain and bewilders the minds of rational people.

The Michigan GOP was not being charged $12,000 a month for its headquarters. 

As you can see above, the organization was being charged a fee of …….. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR.

She walked from the building claiming fiscal responsibility, and it was over a dollar a year. How many of you in business would like to have rent of a dollar a year? 


Would you let that go? I’m gonna bet you would not.

So, for those in the Republican Party who are claiming Karamo has been the victim of the establishment and globalists trying to take her down to re-install the old guard, how do you feel about that? Pretty clear, is it not?

Even if she was naïve enough to believe whoever she was listening to and not smart enough to ask questions on this, she needs to be removed. After her 14-point drubbing in November of 2022, where she claimed fraud but could not highlight one instance of it, she is not cut out for this job. The party is broke, the Democrats are out-doing you in everything, and some of you are just glaring about being told the obvious.

Her claims of being conservative are shown to be a bit shallow. If she is NOT a Trojan horse Democrat meant to destroy the party from within, she has given the Democrats a great headstart on doing this for eternity.

Just get someone who chants M.A.G.A, has no discernable record of any accomplishments, and claims to be a CHRISTian, and BOOM, here are the keys to the driver’s seat. Don’t worry, we will fill up the gas tank as you drive off the cliff “Thelma & Louise” style, and blame it on every boogieman ever conceived, instead of the one person who actually did all this.

The person who said great warm fuzzy things about fiscal responsibility in her first couple of weeks in office got this so wrong it makes Democrats cackle with glee. Congratulations on that achievement that will sink this state for at least a decade.


Michigan Republicans, if you can’t do better then you deserve every bit of political pain coming your way.

You better believe that trouble is coming in waves.



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