
Breaking: House Judiciary Committee Launches Investigation into Fani Willis’s Love Interest and Legal Associate Nathan Wade — On His Politically Motivated Prosecution of Donald Trump | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

Atlanta DA Fani Willis with love interest and Attorney Nathan Wade – screengrab

The House Judiciary Committee launched an investigation into Fani Willis’s love interest and associate Nathan Wade on Friday.

House Judiciary Committee, led by Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) sent a comprehensive letter to Nathan Wade, scrutinizing the coordination between the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office (FCDAO) and other politically motivated investigations. This letter also raises questions about the potential misuse of federal funds.

Excerpts of the Letter to Nathan Wade:

“The Committee on the Judiciary continues to conduct oversight of politically motivated prosecutions by state and local officials. Based on recent reports, we believe that you possess documents and information about the coordination of the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office (FCDAO) with other politically motivated investigations and prosecutions and the potential misuse of federal funds. Accordingly, we ask for your cooperation with our oversight.

“On August 14, 2023, with your assistance, Fulton County District Attorney Fani T. Willis indicted a former President of the United States and current declared candidate for that office. According to a recent court filing, you have been paid more than $650,000—at the rate of $250 per hour—to serve as an ‘Attorney Consultant’ and later a ‘Special Assistant District Attorney’ in the unprecedented investigation and prosecution of the former President and other former federal officials. This filing also alleges that while receiving a substantial amount of money from Fulton County, you spent extravagantly on lavish vacations with your boss, Ms. Willis.

“Although Ms. Willis has so far refused to cooperate with our oversight of the FCDAO’s coordination with other politically motivated prosecutions, invoices that you submitted for payment by the FCDAO, and made public as part of this court filing, highlight this collusion. This new information appears to substantiate our concerns that Ms. Willis’s politicized prosecution, including the decision to convene a special purpose grand jury, was aided by partisan Democrats in Washington, D.C. For example:

  • In April 2022, you billed $6,000 for 24 hours of ‘[t]eam meeting; Conf w/Jan 6; Research legal issues to prep intev’ from April 18 to 22.
  • In May 2022, you billed $2,000 for eight hours of ‘travel to Athens; conf. with White House Counsel’ on May 23, 2022.
  • In that same invoice, you billed another $2,000 for eight hours of ‘team meeting; Conf w/Jan 6; SPGJ witness prep’ on May 31, 2022.
  • In September 2022, you billed $6,000 for 24 hours of ‘[w]itness [i]nterviews; conf call DC; team meeting’ from September 7 to 9.
  • In November 2022, you billed $2,000 for eight hours of ‘Jan 6 meeting and Atty conf.’ on November 16.
  • In that same invoice, you billed another $2,000 for eight hours of ‘[i]nterview with DC/White House’ on November 18.

“The FCDAO reportedly compensated you using a concoction of comingled funds, including monies confiscated or seized by the FCDAO and monies directed from Fulton County’s ‘general’ fund. The Committee has information that the FCDAO received approximately $14.6 million in grant funds from the Department of Justice between 2020 and 2023 and, given the enormous legal fees you have billed to the FCDAO, there are open questions about whether federal funds were used by the FCDAO to finance your prosecution. In fact, on one day—November 5, 2021—you billed taxpayers for 24 hours of legal work, attesting that you worked all day and night without break on a politically motivated prosecution.

“A recent news report corroborates your coordination with partisan Democrats, explaining that you and FCDAO staff ‘quietly met’ with the partisan January 6 Committee, which allowed you to review information they had gathered. Politico reported that the partisan January 6 Committee provided Ms. Willis’s prosecution a ‘boost’ as she prepared to convene a special grand jury and even ‘helped prosecutors prepare for interviews with key witnesses.’ The same article suggests that the partisan January 6 Committee provided you access to records it withheld from other law-enforcement entities and even other Members of Congress.

“The Committee has serious concerns about the degree of improper coordination among politicized actors—including the Biden White House—to investigate and prosecute President Biden’s chief political opponent. This new information released recently only reinforces the Committee’s concerns about politically motivated prosecutions by state and local officials. To advance our oversight, we ask that you please produce the following documents and information for the period of November 1, 2021, to the present:

1. All documents and communications in your possession between or among the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office, including yourself, and the U.S. Department of Justice and its components, including but not limited to Special Counsel Jack Smith, referring or relating to the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office’s investigation of President Trump;

2. All documents and communications in your possession between or among the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office, including yourself, and the Executive Office of the President, including but not limited to the White House Counsel’s Office, referring or relating to the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office’s investigation of President Trump;

3. All documents and communications in your possession between or among the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office, including yourself, and the partisan January 6 Select Committee referring or relating to the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office’s investigation of President Trump;

4. All notes, memoranda, documents, or other material in your possession referring or relating to your meetings, conferences, phone calls, or other interactions with the U.S. Department of Justice, the Executive Office of the President, or the partisan January 6 Select Committee;

5. All invoices, including credit card statements and individualized reimbursement requests, submitted by you or your law partners to the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office relating to its investigation of President Trump; and

6. All contracts and financial arrangements between you and the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office relating to its investigation of President Trump.”

On Wednesday Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) filed a criminal complaint against Fani Willis for her “improper” relationship with the top Trump prosecutor Nathan Wade.

Marjorie Taylor Greene called Fani Willis’ relationship with Nathan Wade an “illegal conflict of interest.”

Rep. Greene’s criminal referral was sent to Georgia Governor Brian Kemp (R) and Attorney General Chris Carr.

On Monday, Fani Willis was subpoenaed to testify in the divorce proceedings of Nathan Wade, the special prosecutor she appointed to go after former President Donald Trump and his associates.

According to a court filing obtained by The Wall Street Journal, Willis was served a subpoena at her Atlanta office for her testimony in the divorce case of Nathan Wade and his wife, Joycelyn Wade.

The nature of the questions Willis may face in the deposition remains undisclosed in the subpoena document.

Fulton County DA Fani Willis Subpoenaed to Testify in Divorce Case Following Allegations of Affair with Special Prosecutor and Boyfriend She Appointed to Go After Trump



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