
Trump Says: Illegals Will Vote In 2024!

Donald Trump has made news by saying, in these Truth posts, that Joe Biden’s illegal open border policy is intended to generate fraudulent votes in the 2024 election:

Those posts are classic Trump. Who else in our political history–at least since the first half of the 19th century–has talked that way? No one.

But what about Trump’s specific claim that Biden has allowed millions of illegal aliens into the country so they can vote next November? It has caused a predictable amount of pearl-clutching on the Left. But will it really happen?

No doubt some of them will vote. Ballot integrity varies widely from state to state. In some states, illegal immigrants can get driver’s licenses, and it is not clear that there are any safeguards in place to prevent them from voting. In other states, like my home state of Minnesota, for example, there are essentially no election safeguards. Anyone who shows up at a polling place and is vouched for as a resident by a Democratic Party volunteer can vote. If it turns out after the fact that he was not a legal voter, too bad: his vote has already been counted.

But as so often happens, what Trump says may or may not be strictly accurate, but it points to a larger truth. Why are Democrats so eager to admit millions of illegal aliens? Why do they take the political risk associated with an unpopular policy? I think the only plausible answer is that they believe they are enlarging the pool of Democratic Party voters. Not necessarily in 2024–the Democrats are good at playing the long game–but for a generation yet to come. As the illegals become entrenched and sign up for government benefits, as they have children who become anchor babies, and as election laws and practices continue to loosen, Democrats reasonably believe that the millions they are illegally admitting now, will bear great fruit in elections to come, in the form of votes both legal and illegal.

Illegal votes cast next November are, I suspect, only a bonus.



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