
50-Year-Old Man with Ph.D. ‘Identifying’ as Teenage Girl Competes in Swim Meet, Showers in Girl’s Locker Room (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by David Greyson

According to Rebel News, Nicholas Cepeda, a 50-year-old man in Canada who “transitioned” into “Melody Wiseheart,” was allowed to enter a swim competition with teenage girls and shower in their locker room.

Twenty years ago we would not have even imagined this, but here we are in 2023.

Right before Cepeda was heading out after the competition, Rebel News reported that he did not even opt for the gender-neutral restroom or the men’s restroom. Instead, this 50-year-old pervert decided to change in the women’s locker room.

“Mr. Cepeda, what is the deal? Why are you swimming with 13-year-olds? Why are you breaking world aquatic rules? Why are you running? Mr. Cepeda, are you a sexual pervert? Why won’t you answer these questions?” Rebel News said.


This far-leftist ideology can only be defeated when people who have common sense stand up and say enough is enough.

Canada as well as the U.S. has experienced this kind of transgender mania. The Gateway Pundit reported earlier this week about a women’s cycling competition in Chicago that allowed transgender men to compete.

Transgender cyclists have once again stolen victories in a competition that was originally intended for women in the Illinois State Cyclocross Championship this past weekend.

“Tessa” Johnson, 25 and “Evelyn” Williamson, 30 were declared the 1st and 2nd place winners. The only real woman to place in the top three was Kristin Chalmers.

The two also stole victories back in October during the Cyclocross Cup which also caused at outrage.



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