
NewsBusters Podcast: ‘Staunch Conservative’ Liz Cheney Wants a Democrat Sweep in 2024

It’s not just another Republican Debate week. It’s Liz Cheney Book Week, and it’s going to be insufferable. CBS and NBC touted Liz Cheney as a big “conservative’ even as she called for Trump and the Republicans to be denied office in 2024. The staunch conservatives want Democrats to win everything? How does that compute? 

On CBS Sunday Morning, Jane Pauley introduced the feature with “Call her a very concerned conservative.” On NBC’s Today, Savannah Guthrie began by touting “a staunch conservative who voted with Trump 90 percent of the time”…while he was president.

CBS interviewer John Dickerson set the table just as Cheney wanted. Gee, Republicans can’t back the Constitution and back Donald Trump, can they? Why, no. Only voting for the Democrats preserves democracy and the Constitution. Cheney said the country was “sleepwalking toward dictatorship,” and later on Face the Nation, CBS host Margaret Brennan bizarrely presented that as a “fairly straight assessment.”

At least NBC’s Guthrie pressed Cheney a little, asking if Biden is the best the Democrats could do against Trump, and suggesting there’s a “sliver” of voters who aren’t in a Trump “cult,” but worry about inflation and the border. Cheney was blunt. Those voters need to be educated: “”I think that’s a real problem, and the challenge is to make sure those people understand and recognize that a Trump vote is not acceptable….because a vote for Donald Trump may mean the last election that you ever get to vote in. “

On ABC’s This Week, host George Stephanopoulos was spinning his usual DNC message, repeatedly insisting that Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.) needed to proclaim whether he was endorsing Trump or not. Lankford said the primaries hadn’t even started, and that he didn’t endorse anyone in 2016. That didn’t stop George.

The same thing happened on NBC’s Meet the Press, where Kristen Welker asked Ron DeSantis five times if his campaign was near death, and then offered six questions demanding DeSantis denounce Trump for using the word “vermin” to describe communists and fascists. 

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