Rachel Maddow Joins The Acela Media’s Collective Freakout Against Univision

  • November 21, 2023

It’s the dopiest of dopey cycles, this Acela Media and Professional Latinx crusade against the most reliably left-wing outlet in all domestic news media, which is Univision. And yet, here we are. MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow has now joined the fray, and exposes the real rationale behind this attack against Univision. Watch as Maddow reveals the […]

Five Reasons Congress Should Strip Funding from Leftist Internet Traffic Cop NewsGuard

  • November 21, 2023

Leftist internet traffic cop NewsGuard is the farthest thing from being the unbiased media referee it purports to be. It is a government-funded operation designed to attack right-leaning media by going after their advertiser funding. There are at least five core reasons why Congress should strip funding from NewsGuard in the latest National Defense Authorization […]


Liberals Don’t Want You to Notice Retail Theft

  • November 21, 2023

At this point, wide-scale retail theft has become so common that it barely qualifies for a headline anymore. It’s been particularly bad on the West Coast, but many other areas have been plagued by it as well. It’s reached the stage where a number of stores have closed down, particularly pharmacies. Other outlets have taken […]


Bidenomics: Thanksgiving Dinner Costs Less This Year – Maybe

  • November 21, 2023

The White House and its minions in the media are busy talking up how the price of this year’s Thanksgiving dinner will be less expensive than last year. They are making lemonade out of lemons. Advertisement The price of turkeys is down this year, which is good news since for many families, the turkey is […]


Washington Post: The Democrats’ Border Problem is Getting Serious

  • November 21, 2023

The Washington Post‘s Aaron Blake points to a Siena College poll released Monday which shows a majority of New York Democrats now sound a lot like GOP “immigration hawks.” Advertisement 75 percent of New York Democrats said the recent influx of migrants to the state was at least a “somewhat serious” problem. Nearly half (47 […]


Columbia Law School Does Nothing As Anti-Israel Protesters Halt Classes

  • November 21, 2023

The anti-Israel protests at Columbia Law School not only haven’t tapered off, but they’ve actually gotten worse. Larger crowds have assembled with the usual signage and chanting. But on Thursday, things were taken to another level when a crowd of demonstrators invaded the lobby of the school, drowning out normal conversations and shutting down several […]


When Pro-Hamas Bomb Throwers Turn Out to Be Pasty-Faced White Girls

  • November 21, 2023

Truism here: You’ve always got to watch out for the female of the species. The face presented to you does not always faithfully represent what’s going on inside the skull it’s draped over. Advertisement Take, for instance, a gamin, freckle-faced, tomboyish teen who looks so wispy a wee wind could blow her over. You could […]


Trump Counters Biden’s Birthday by Releasing His Own Doctor’s Report

  • November 21, 2023

Former President Trump released a doctor’s letter Monday that claims Trump is in excellent health. It was a classic Trump move that provided some distraction from Joe Biden’s 81st birthday. Advertisement Dr. Bruce Aronwald reported that Trump’s health is improved due to an increase in exercise (golf), an improved diet, and a busy schedule. “I […]


Democrats Not Thrilled with Biden or Bidenomics

  • November 21, 2023

The NY Times has a regular feature where they hold a focus group with 12 random people on a given topic. The latest installment asked 12 Democrats how they feel about their party and its leadership. The responses probably won’t be seen as great news by the White House. Advertisement The themes that emerged from […]