
Finland Shuts Border Crossings to Stem Wave of Illegal Immigration Originating in Russia

Finland closed four border crossings with Russia on Thursday after a dramatic influx of illegal immigrants seems to have been directed there by Russia. The 830-mile border with Russia has become something of a running sore after Finland joined NATO (Finland Joining NATO Marks a Political and Military Disaster for Russia and Putin – RedState) as a result of Russia’s illegal and unprovoked attack on Ukraine. Russia was accused of funneling illegals to the Finnish border as early as 2015. The Finnish foreign minister at the time, Timo Soni, said regarding the wave of illegal immigrants, “The impression that someone is organizing and regulating things on the Russian side is probably true; it is quite obvious that activity like this is a managed effort.”


The new deluge of immigrants is particularly suspicious because they are arriving at the border crossing on new Russian-made Stels bicycles…in Finland…in the winter.

“Apparently they got the bikes near the border,” Jukka Lukkari, the deputy commander of the southeast border guard, told Finland’s national broadcaster, Yle, on Tuesday. “They ride quite a short distance.”

The attempts to force entry into Finland from Russia have resulted in confrontations with Finnish border police.

This is very much in line with Russia’s policy of trying to destabilize eastern European countries. It has pushed a refugee stream through Russia and into Belarus in an attempt to swarm Poland with illegal immigrants (Putin’s War, Week 35. The Lull Before the Next Storm – RedState). This has resulted in the Poles building a fence…imagine that…and moving about one-third of their army to the Belarus frontier, so backstop the border police.


Lithuania has been under a similar assault and militarized its frontier with Belarus.

Russia doesn’t understand why they should come under suspicion when a previously quiet border area became inundated with Third World refugees who had to pass through Russia.

Russia will analyze the situation around Finland’s decision and the accusations made by Helsinki, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Yevgeny Ivanov told TASS.

“I believe these are very strange accusations. We will get to the bottom of this,” the official said, commenting on Helsinki’s claims that Russia allegedly sends refugees to the border.

As EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen told Biden two years ago, what is happening with Russia’s manipulation of illegal refugee flows is “a hybrid attack, not a migration crisis.”

Indeed. It is about time that the West, particularly the Russophilic elements in the German government, wake up to the fact that Russia has been conducting a hybrid war against the West, particularly against former Warsaw Pact members and Soviet Republics who have cast their lot with the West and not with Moscow. The attack on Ukraine in 2014 and the “plebiscite” resulting in the annexation of Crimea were visible elements. What wasn’t as apparent was how this was part of a larger Russian war on the West.




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