
Prepare for the Dem Freakout: Trump Takes Shocking Lead Over Biden as Joe’s Numbers Take a Dive

Joe Biden has not been doing well in polls against former President Donald Trump lately. We pointed out how Trump had a slight lead in the Real Clear Politics average, but it was looking pretty brutal for Biden across a variety of metrics. 


But the latest poll from The Washington Post/ABC poll has to have the Biden people tearing their hair out and wondering what they can do and whether they should be pulling Biden from the race. 

The 77-year-old former president trounced the Democrat 52% to 42% in a hypothetical rematch of the 2020 contest, up significantly from Trump’s 49% to 43% lead during a similar survey from the outlets in May. 

“Heads are EXPLODING at the Jeff Bezos Amazon Washington Post, as President Trump now leads Biden nationally by 10,” senior Trump adviser Jason Miller boasted on X.

This 10-point lead is pretty shocking. What’s even more shocking is the lead with independents, who are likely going to be the people to sway the election. That’s 13 points. 

Now, as I say with polls at this point, we’re still more than a year away, so a lot of things can change, and this poll may be a little out in front of the polls that had it essentially a tie, with the edge to Trump. But it’s good news for Trump and bad news for Biden on many levels. 


Only 30% look favorably on his handling of the economy, while 37% approve of his performance overall, compared to 56% who disapprove, per the poll. 

On immigration, Biden’s approval clocks in at 23%, with 45% strongly disapproving. 

Then, a considerable 74% of voters feel that he’s too old for another term, wile about 50% say the same about Trump.

Biden’s overall approval is more underwater than Trump’s—37 percent approve while 56 disapprove. Trump, meanwhile, has 48 percent approval and 49 percent disapproval in this poll. 

Another fascinating number showed that more would blame Democrats than Republicans for a government shutdown, which shows people are truly getting what’s going on and they’re not just believing the propaganda. 

It’s also interesting to note the number with independents is in line with the Fox poll that I previously wrote about, which had him at 10 percent up among independents. 


This WaPo/ABC poll was 25 percent Republicans, 25 percent Democrats, and 42 percent independents, with 1,002 participants. 

The Democrats have to be rethinking everything at this point, and the fights behind the scenes to try to get Biden to back off have to be something. They’re running out of time, and they may have a problem if Joe doesn’t want to step aside. Could we get to the point where Democrats would be joining with Republicans in trying to remove him? It might not be out of the realm of possibility if they thought it was the only way to preserve their hold on power. 



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