AGAIN? NBC’s Meet the Press Also Panics Over Trump’s Polling Bump

  • September 24, 2023

Just like on ABC’s This Week, Sunday’s edition of NBC Meet the Press was stunned to find out that former President Donald Trump is in a dead heat with Joe Biden in a potential rematch for the presidency in 2024. Moderator Kristen Welker, proving she’s just as much of a partisan activist as her predecessor […]

Pro-Choice? NPR Can Mourn a Miscarriage, Happily Air Audio of Abortion

  • September 24, 2023

On Thursday night’s All Things Considered, NPR aired what someone might call a heart-tugging pro-life story. But NPR wouldn’t. They are “pro-choice,” meaning that an unborn baby is a loved human being when that’s what the mother decides it is. When the woman decides it’s like a tumor that must be removed, there is no […]


Al Sharpton Criticizes Lack of Gun Control: ‘We’re Arming Bigots’

  • September 24, 2023

Progressives are once again using black Americans as political pawns to further an agenda that will only cause more harm to the black community. Rev. Al Sharpton recently chimed in on the Biden administration’s new Office of Gun Violence Prevention during an interview in which he claimed that a lack of gun control legislation is […]


US to Sell F-16 Fighters to People’s Republic of Vietnam

  • September 24, 2023

Joe Biden’s visit to Vietnam was a hot mess of stupidity, dementia, and the downright bizarre; see RedState’s coverage of the one-man dumpster fire at Staff Pulls Plug on Presser as Biden Goes Over Edge in Vietnam With Confusion, Dog-Faced Pony Soldiers, Yikes: Biden Thanks the Vietnamese on 9/11, Visits Site Where McCain Was Captured, […]


Loose Ends (230)

  • September 24, 2023

• Gavin Newsom is running. His surprise veto of the gender identity bill, coming on top of his previous tough talk on immigration, shows he is already tacking to the center. It’s only a matter of time now. One or two more polls like today’s Washington Post poll and Democratic panic will reach critical mass. […]