
Loose Ends (230)

Gavin Newsom is running. His surprise veto of the gender identity bill, coming on top of his previous tough talk on immigration, shows he is already tacking to the center. It’s only a matter of time now. One or two more polls like today’s Washington Post poll and Democratic panic will reach critical mass.

What about Kamala, you say? Surprising that no one has figured out that Newsom also solves the Kamala problem because of Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution, in particular the passage that reads, “The Electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by Ballot for two Persons, of whom one at least shall not be an Inhabitant of the same State with themselves.” I know there is controversy about whether this categorically prohibits presidential and vice-presidential nominees on the same ticket from being from the same state, but do you think Democrats would want to take the chance that California’s 54 electoral votes for vice president would be disqualified in court? Why take the chance? Plus Newsom hates Kamala. So he’d have to choose a different running mate.

Biden is hitting on all cylinders, worrying about the big problems of the moment:

Good to know that Biden and his team are so concerned for those Taylor Swift fans who had to pay a lot for tickets. Nothing says “working class consciousness” like concert ticket crises.

No he didn’t, did he? He did. “That boy”?!?!? At a Black Caucus dinner?

• The Texas Tribune reports that —gasp!—a lot of college professors in Texas want to leave the state. Gee, I wonder what political orientation they all have in common.

The political climate in Texas is the leading contributor to professors’ desire to leave the state, a new survey of more than 1,900 Texas faculty members found. More than a quarter of those professors said they planned to look for positions elsewhere in the country this year as a result of political interference and widespread dissatisfaction with the state of higher education in Texas. . . Of the professors surveyed, 57% cited the state’s political climate as their top reason for wanting to leave Texas.

So what’s the downside here, exactly? I think Texas ought to put up signs on the outbound roads from campuses: “Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.” This is called “winning.”

About two-thirds of Texas respondents said they would not recommend out-of-state colleagues take positions in Texas.

Bonus: “About two-thirds of Texas respondents said they would not recommend out-of-state colleagues take positions in Texas.” Do please keep this up, leftist faculty. Saves on de-recruiting costs.

What’s up with John Kerry? Has he had a botched facelift, or is this video some kind of AI deep fake? (No, the nonsense out of his mouth sounds like authentic Kerry climate gibberish.)

Even more Kerry gibberish—everyone should get ready to starve to death:



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