
Biden Hits Highest Disapproval Rating of Presidency With Numbers in Key Voting Blocs Slipping Big Time

Joe Biden’s polling just seems to keep getting worse and worse. The more people see of him as we move closer to the election, the more they see that this isn’t going to work and he just isn’t the guy anyone wants. I wrote earlier about the WaPo/ABC poll that has former president Donald Trump up by 10 over the president. That poll does appear to be out in front of others that have the race closer at more or less a tie, but it still has to have the Democrats freaking out over their chances. 


Heck, the American people don’t even approve of what Joe is doing now, much less do they want him to run again. Biden also hit the highest disapproval level of his time in office so far in both the WaPo/ABC poll and an NBC poll that has him at 56 percent disapproval. WaPo/ABC has him at 39 approval, while NBC has it at 41 percent approval. 

A big driver of that? Their disapproval of how he’s handling the economy. Only 28 percent approve, and a whopping 72 percent disapprove. 

So his team has him focusing on the economy and claiming credit for “Bidenomics.” This has to be one of the worst moves ever when the truth is, the American public hates what he’s done to the economy.

What’s worse for Biden and the Democrats is that the NBC poll shows that the critical voting blocs he needs to win—including young people and Latinos—are slipping away from him. 

The survey also shows support for Biden slipping with voters ages 18 to 24, who reported a 46 percent approval rating, Latinos who reported 43 percent and independents – who will be key to deciding the general election – at 36 percent. [….]

A hypothetical 2024 matchup in the poll shows Trump and Biden in a dead heat at 46 percent among registered voters. Biden held a 4 percent lead over Trump in the same poll in June.


Biden’s numbers among black voters were down 17 points since he took office, and he’s also down in double digits with Latinos. 

This poll confirms the problem Biden has with independents revealed in the WaPo/ABC poll and previously in the Fox poll. The results also show the problem with young voters in addition to the Hispanic voters in the Fox poll. That poll also showed slippage with women in general, suburban women, and black voters. 

Unlike the WaPo/ABC poll, the NBC poll is more in line with most of the polls that find it a tight race with Trump a little ahead or basically in a tie. But it also shows all the movement in Trump’s direction, picking up four points since June. We’re still more than a year away, but you know that there has to be a lot of consideration behind the scenes about what to do about all this. 


The enthusiasm is also all with the Republicans because people, including in those critical blocs, are just not enthused by Joe Biden. 

In a tight race, Biden can’t afford any slippage in the key voting blocs, and it sounds like there’s a whole lot of slippage going on. 



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