
Here You Go, America: The Gateway Pundit Uncovers MASSIVE J6 DATABASE Engineered by ‘SEDITION HUNTER’ DHS Front Group [Part 1] | The Gateway Pundit | by Alicia Powe, with Benjamin Wetmore

The Gateway Pundit has obtained THOUSANDS OF HOURS OF J6 FOOTAGE from “Sedition Hunter” online crowdsourcing groups.

Sedition Hunters are typically Antifa activists who define themselves as part of an anonymous group that tracks, identifies, and reports Trump supporters and protesters who attended the January 6 protests in Washington DC to the Federal Bureau of Investigations.

Defense attorneys representing J6 defendants have access to over 41,000 hours of January 6 footage but are prohibited from publicly disclosing the footage until it is exhibited in discovery in a defendant’s trial.

J6 defendants typically view their discovery for the first time during trial.

GOP members of Congress have refused to release the footage to the American people.

In June, when Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green announced just three journalists were granted access to the footage, the Georgia Republican claimed groups like Sedition Hunters would use the footage to “hurt innocent people.”

But The Gateway Pundit has confirmed that Sediton Hunters have obtained nearly all the footage and have spent years documenting every aspect, angle, and dimension of the Capitol Riot.

Below is a copy of a spreadsheet compiled by Sediton Hunters containing links to thousands of hours of J6 CCTV footage, police body cams and more. 

The document outlines minute-by-minute accounts linked to available video, from January 6th.

Open-Source Intelligence, Capitol Security Footage, Bodycams, J6 Deaths After J6 by Alicia Powe

The high-tech resources “hundreds of volunteer” Sedtion Hunters have dedicated to cataloging thousands of hours of footage and tracking subjects with synchronized videos is shocking.

Their time invested in doxng demonstrators and creating highly advanced massive databases chronicling the events of January 6, akin to Nazis of Hitler’s Third Reich, is alarming

Yet, the evidence compiled by the left-wing reportedly government-contracted is already playing a significant role in helping the defense of political prisoners tangled in the Justice Department’s unprecedented j6 probe of conservative voters.

Many J6 prosecutions and indictments reference unnamed “confidential informants” of “known reliability” in reference to the Sedition Hunters group and those like it.

In practice, however, the government appears to be referencing its own agents posing as a citizens group to utilize illegally obtained evidence and use its high-end software and technology to conduct the mass surveillance and indictment of conservative voters.

Members of the intelligence community suspect footage they have compiled in several sophisticated databases was collected by the government through the Department of Homeland Security and its many contractors.

The feds utilized IMSI catchers, cellphone intercept technology, to identify and catalog every individual in the nation’s Capitol on January 6, a cyber security expert who analyzed the Sedition Hunters databases explained in an exclusive interview with The Gateway Pundit.

“The government appears to have provided IMSI-derived data to pseudo-investigative organizations like Sedition Hunters,” the intel analyst, who asked his name be withheld, said. “There’s great likelihood all of the organizations that work to identify J6  protesters are working with tips from the feds.

“Sedition hunters used IMSI-derived data to identify individuals on social media and across the internet platforms and scrape their images.”

The sedition hunter website contains a time-colored interactive map of every individual and group surrounding the Capitol building on Jan. 6.  According to the website, the map was created by  “contributors including data scientists, academic researchers, software engineers, and many others.”

“All are motivated by a desire to understand what happened on January 6 and why. Most wish to remain anonymous,” the website states.

The pseudo investigators, who also herald themselves as “Capitol Hunters” of the “Capital Terrorist Attack” did the bulwark of the groundwork for the FBI to secure more arrests, the cyber security expert argued.

“Sedition Hunters established the initial ‘probable cause’ for federal authorities to indict specific people who attended January 6th,” he said. “Establishing that critical first ‘link’ between grainy footage from security cameras and the names of specific people in the United States was necessary to start the criminal prosecution process.

“This fraud in making the initial identification is known within government circles as ‘parallel construction,’ where evidence is obtained illegally and admitted into court. It is laundered through other sources to help conceal the true source of the information. This law enforcement technique is used to obtain warrants, secure indictments, and make the critical first identification of a suspect.”

Approximately 1,146 defendants have been arrested in connection with the events of Jan. 6, 2021, according to the Department of Justice.

As the DOJ continues to expand its J6 probe, the sedition-hunting ‘citizen’ group continues to spoon-feed federal authorities information to bring charges to the estimated 80,000 protesters who attended the Stop The Steal protest.

Immediately after discovering a Sedition Hunter spreadsheet linked to hours of J6 footage, J6 defendant Eric Clark downloaded the entirety of the footage and began posting each segment from the riot on Twitter.

In the past week, Clark has already assisted four J6 defendants with isolating footage that will be used in their discovery to which they are barred access.

The footage confirms Capitol police engaged in friendly fire incidents, seriously wounding one another. Cops are also seen on numerous occasions heinously beating protesters to the ground.

This reporter has uncovered more details on the murder of Rosanne Boyland while analyzing the footage and databases and acquired more details on the agent provocateurs within the crowd who were directing the most violent incidents.

In the CCTV footage and police body cam footage, protesters can be seen stopping agent provocateurs from committing violence.

The videos and data were not originally assembled by a few far-left retired ladies working from their kitchen computers. The Sedition Hunters’ use of facial recognition and other technologies are not in common use and not readily available to the public.

WE WILL BE POSTING MORE  exposing the ‘SEDITION HUNTER’ government operation and the government’s persecution of January 6th protesters for the crime of having the wrong political opinions.

More news continues to develop EACH DAY about the January 6th setup and the 1,000 men and women suffering political persecution for the past few years.

Just today: The FBI was caught lying to Congress about how many undercover agents were in the crowd at January 6th.

The FBI now admits they have “lost count” of how many agents they had at January 6th.

Nancy Pelosi’s lies about not speaking to the Capitol Police on January 6th have been confirmed with testimony under oath.



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