
Biden: U.S. Must ‘Accelerate Climate Crisis,’ Announces New Climate Army | The Gateway Pundit | by Guest Contributor

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Guest by post by Bob Unruh 

Plans to hire 20,000 soldiers to build trails, install solar panels

In yet another in his legendary list of verbal gaffes and blunders, Joe Biden has announced that the U.S. must work with China on “accelerating the climate crisis.”

He then announced a new climate army, 20,000 soldiers strong, to be paid by the U.S. government to fight the battles of global warming.

A report from GB News said Biden’s blunder was at the United Nations, in a speech “flooded with many of the mishaps he has become increasingly known for,” mentioned working with China on multiple efforts.

“Nowhere is that more critical than accelerating the climate crisis,” he charged. The report said he then tried to correct his stumble, with, “Than the accelerating climate crisis.”

Then, within hours, Fox News reported on his announcement about his new army.

The report said an executive order was lined up for Biden to sign that would hire 20,000 Americans to work on “climate change.”

The issue was known for years as global warming, until warming stopped. Now it’s called climate change and is believed by activists to be the biggest crisis facing the world, even though a coalition of 1,600 scientists signed a statement that there is no emergency existing at all.

Fox reported, “Biden’s so-called American Climate Corps will, according to the White House, mobilize ‘a new, diverse generation’ of more than 20,000 Americans who will be trained and put to work on conservation, clean energy and environmental justice projects. The ultimate goal of the program is to pave the way for members of the corps to find jobs in the public and private sector.”

The White House claimed, “The American Climate Corps is a new initiative that will… work on a wide range of projects that tackle climate change – including restoring coastal wetlands to protect communities from storm surges and flooding, deploying clean energy, managing forests to improve health and prevent catastrophic wildfires, implementing energy efficient solutions to cut energy bills for hardworking families, and more.”

Joe Biden already is well into his agenda for mandating green energy, and electric cars, on Americans whether the need is there, and whether they want those changes.

On his first day in office, and since then, he’s attacked America’s energy industry, promising there would be no place for fossil fuels in his administration. He’s repeatedly attacked energy exploration, production and transportation projects. He’s demanding, through rule-making, that essentially all Americans eventually be required to buy an electric vehicle, even though the nation’s grid is incapable of handling the electricity that would be required.

In fact, when California recently announced new vehicle efficiency standards, it took only days for it announce that electric car owners should not be charging their cars because the grid was incapable of handling the demand.

The White House also praised Arizona, Utah, Minnesota, North Carolina and Maryland for having their own “climate corps.”

“Today’s historic action to put an American Climate Corps into motion is a clear demonstration that the Biden administration knows there are more ways they can leverage executive power to lead an all out mobilization of our government and society to stop the climate crisis,” said Sunrise Movement Executive Director Varshini Prakash, who joined the White House on a press call for the announcement.

A report from ABC confirmed Biden’s scheme also will include a heavy emphasis on “climate justice.”

The plans for a Biden army originally were in his “Build Back Better” bill that’s costing American taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars, but was dropped.

So Biden took executive action rather than try to accomplish America’s agenda through congressional action. His action followed demands from “climate activists and Democratic lawmakers” to do by fiat was Congress refused to give him.

The Guardian reported Biden’s army is expected to “build trails, plant trees, help install solar panels” and more.

The White House refused to reveal the costs expected, or where that money will come from, but Democrats earlier suggested spending $10 billion on their claim.

Republican Rep. Bruce Westerman, of Arkansas ridiculed the scheme.

“We don’t need another FDR program, and the idea that this is going to help land management is a false idea as well.”

Copyright 2023 WND News Center



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