
Oversight Dems Just Made Huge Admission About Relationship Between Hunter’s Biz Associate and Joe Biden

Joe Biden has been publicly trying to deny a relationship with his son’s foreign business dealings for years. We’ve shown all kinds of evidence over time that what he has said wasn’t true. 


So what the Oversight Democrats have just admitted through a spokesperson is a big deal and rather astonishing, given all the malarkey that the president has been telling us for the past few years. 

An Oversight Democrats spokesperson said that longtime Hunter Biden business partner Eric Schwerin was also Joe Biden’s “bookkeeper”:

“Notably, Mr. Schwerin, who served as then-Vice President Biden’s bookkeeper from 2009 to 2017, explained that he was not aware of any transactions into or out of the then-Vice President’s bank account related to business conducted by any Biden family member,” the spokesperson said in a statement.

The statement was issued earlier in the week in response to the White House memo talking points memo that demanded more “scrutiny” from the media against the impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden by the Republicans. 

That’s a huge thing to say after years of Joe Biden denying even talking with Hunter about his business activities. We’ve also reported for years that the denials were nonsense since Schwerin made 36 trips to the White House when Biden was Vice President and Schwerin was taking care of the VP’s finances. 

But now Schwerin’s attorney is trying to walk back the admission a bit, claiming he was not technically a “bookkeeper” to then-VP Biden but just helped him with his finances. I’m not sure what you call it matters, at least not when it blows up Joe Biden’s denials of connections. 


The Oversight Democrats claimed that Schwerin had said to the Committee that he wasn’t aware of any transactions into or out of Joe Biden’s account related to any of his business dealings. 

Democrats claimed he had said this in a non-transcribed interview with the Committee, but Republicans denied that.

“This is false,” the spokesperson said. “The Committee never interviewed Schwerin. There was a meeting but it was about document production. There has never been a transcribed interview or deposition.”

The committee Democrats spokesperson fired back in a statement to Fox News Digital, saying Schwerin, who Hunter previously admitted was a “close confidant and counsel” of then-Vice President Biden, was indeed interviewed by committee staff for multiple hours on March 31, 2023, following a request from Comer.

“In written correspondence to the Committee, Mr. Schwerin’s counsel described this as a ‘non-transcribed interview,’” the statement continued. “Majority and Minority staff had equal time and switched off asking Mr. Schwerin questions about his relationship with Hunter Biden, as well as the history, structure, and activities of Hunter Biden’s business entities, to which Mr. Schwerin responded.”

But there wouldn’t be anything that you could track from the businesses directly into Joe Biden’s account. That’s the whole reason that they spoke in code and used nicknames like the “big guy”—because nothing was supposed to be on the record. 


However, as we’ve noted before, you had millions of dollars from the foreign dealings going into Biden family accounts. You also had a lot of conflation of the money between Joe and Hunter Biden, including money from Hunter going to Joe. So let’s grill Schwerin over all those instances and how much of “Hunter’s” money went to Joe, and let’s get that on the record since Schwerin was also taking care of Hunter’s finances. Let’s start putting Biden family members and more associates under oath as well. 

For example, Hunter said this to his assistant Katie Dodge in 2018 about his Wells Fargo account and credit line:

“My dad has been using most lines on this account which I’ve through the gracious offerings of Eric [Schwerin] have paid for past 11 years,” Hunter wrote.

The fact that they finally have to admit this Schwerin relationship after all this time shows that the walls are beginning to fall down, and now they have to adjust the spin.



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