
ABC’s Karl Falsely Claims No Biden Bribery Evidence, Mace Schools Him

ABC’s This Week co-moderator Jonathan Karl showed how blinded he is by his leftist partisanship Sunday when he began arguing with South Carolina Republican Congresswoman Nancy Mace that there’s no evidence to support the Biden bribery scandal. This despite the mountain of evidence that’s already been uncovered by congressional investigations into Hunter Biden that have implicated President Joe Biden. This is even before the official impeachment inquiry had officially begun. 

Since evidence doesn’t matter to Karl he asked Mace: “Was this premature going all the way with an impeachment inquiry?” She responded by going through how he’s delusional and there are endless amounts of evidence:

There are facts everywhere. There are text messages, there are e-mails, there are witnesses, there are whistleblowers, there are meetings, there are phone calls, there are dinners. And you can’t say hey there’s a little bit of smoke, we’re not gonna follow the fire. The inquiry, understanding is as you said earlier gives us expanded subpoena powers, I want the bank records of Joe Biden. All of that should be on the table to prove out the allegations in the SARs report. We’re talking about a significant sum of money. We are talking about bribery and in the Constitution Article 2 Section 4 that is the basis for impeachment. 

Karl then interrupted her and ignorantly claimed “There’s no evidence of bribery.”

“There are witnesses,” Mace shot back. “You can’t say that there’s no evidence when there is evidence.” 

“There’s no evidence connected to Biden,” Karl clarified. 

After that inaccurate comment, Mace attempted to shame Karl and the rest of the media for not doing their jobs and investigating the Biden crime family. 

“It was the media and journalists when Nixon was going down, that helped do that investigation, helped bring down the president when he broke the law and you know, you guys want to deny that there’s evidence, it’s everywhere,” Mace explained. 

Ending the interview, Karl snarked: “We will see. Haven’t seen much yet.”

This lack of curiosity by Karl would be shocking if it weren’t so predictable. He obviously doesn’t follow the news. 

This segment was made possible by WeatherTech. Their information is linked.

The transcript is below:

ABC’s This Week
9:17:40 a.m. Eastern 

JONATHAN KARL: Was this premature going all the way with an impeachment inquiry? 

REP. NANCY MACE: I don’t believe so. There are facts everywhere. There are text messages, there are e-mails, there are witnesses, there are whistleblowers, there are meetings, there are phone calls, there are dinners. And you can’t say hey there’s a little bit of smoke, we’re not gonna follow the fire. The inquiry, understanding is as you said earlier gives us expanded subpoena powers, I want the bank records of Joe Biden. All of that should be on the table to prove out the allegations in the SARs report. We’re talking about a significant sum of money. We are talking about bribery and in the Constitution Article 2 Section 4 that is the basis for impeachment—

KARL: There’s no evidence of bribery. 

MACE: There are witnesses, 1023 form. 

KARL: You’ve been investigating, you’re on the oversight committee. 

MACE: There’s evidence. You can’t say that there’s no evidence when there is evidence. And quite frankly — 

KARL: There’s no evidence connected to Biden. 

MACE: It was the fourth estate, it was the media and journalists when Nixon was going down, that helped do that investigation, helped bring down the president when he broke the law and you know, you guys want to deny that there’s evidence, it’s everywhere. And the bank records will prove it out. 

KARL: Alright, we will see. Haven’t seen much yet.



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