
New Yorkers Aren’t Buying It

New York has long been a “sanctuary city,” but when busloads of illegal immigrants began showing up, that changed rapidly. Mayor Eric Adams says that the presence of 58,000 or so illegal immigrants threatens to destroy the city, and blames the Biden administration. He’s right about that.

A group of New York pols that included Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Gerald Nadler, and others toured the Roosevelt Hotel, epicenter of the fiasco, and held a press conference afterward. It did not go well. They were shouted down by normal New Yorkers who want their city back. AOC offered the universal Democrat solution–more money from the federal government, borrowed from our children!–but the crowd wasn’t having it.

So, reality has come to blue New York City. This video is the best one I have seen. It starts with coverage from the Roosevelt Hotel, then breaks away for newsroom commentary, then returns to the scene of the crime. Be sure to watch the last part, where you see the wrath of the crowd:

The politics of Europe have been upended by popular revolt against illegal immigration that has imposed intolerable burdens, both financial and social, on Europeans. The same thing will happen here, to the extent that people in non-border states feel the impact of millions of illegal immigrants crossing the southern border. If it can happen in New York, it can happen anywhere.



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