
Democrats Worried That Pandering to Hispanics Will Not Work for Joe Biden in 2024

As conservatives, one of the things that we love to call out Democrats for the most is the blatant pandering they do to minority communities. Who can forget Hillary Clinton insisting that she carried a bottle of hot sauce in her purse when speaking to a black audience during the 2016 presidential election? In 2020, then-candidate Joe Biden strode out onto a stage to a largely Hispanic audience and said, “I just have one thing to say,” and proceeded to play Latin music on his phone.

We could go on all day with examples, from Barack Obama to, again, Hillary Clinton, changing their speech pattern to apparently “relate” to a black audience, to First Lady Jill Biden mangling the phrases, “Si Se Puede,” calling the small neighborhood stores of New York City “bow-get-taas,” instead of bodegas, and commenting last summer in Texas that the Hispanic community was, “unique as breakfast tacos here in San Antonio.” But as the 2024 election kicks into high gear, a growing concern for Democrats is that Joe Biden will have to do a bit more than don a sombrero to get Hispanics to vote for him.

The hemorrhaging of Hispanic support for Democrats has been steadily growing since at least the last election cycle. And nowhere was that more on display than in many of the congressional races in south Texas. In a special election in July of 2022, Mayra Flores flipped a congressional district on the U.S.-Mexico border that had been a Democrat stronghold for 100 years. Flores went on to lose the general election in November, but the ball was already rolling. Monica De La Cruz, another Hispanic Republican candidate, did go on to win her race, making her the first Republican representative in Texas’ 15th Congressional District’s history. De La Cruz had this to say about Democrats:

The Hispanic culture really aligns with pro-life, pro God, and pro country. Those are the values of the Republican party. Democrats have just simply gone too far to the left and towards socialism.

The cold hard numbers seem to be bearing out what now-Congresswoman De La Cruz says. Democrat candidates won 57 percent of the Hispanic vote in 2022. That’s down from the 63 percent who voted for Joe Biden in 2020, and even further down from the 66 percent Hispanic support Democrats enjoyed in 2018. Republicans seemed to have picked up a portion of those voters, with 39 percent backing GOP candidates in 2022, and 35 percent who supported Donald Trump in 2020. Francis Suarez is the Republican Mayor of Miami and is said to be flirting with a White House run. He says that Democrats are not doing themselves any favors by inventing terms like “Latinx.” He stated that “They’ve created a tremendous opportunity for Republicans. A lot of the issues that Hispanics care about are issues that are being touted by the Republican Party.”

So, will Democrats actually have to get out in the community and campaign? Javier Polomarez is CEO of the United States Hispanic Business Council. He says, absolutely yes. “What they need to do immediately is really start talking to the Hispanic community in a genuine fashion. We’re no less important than any other community, but we’ve been left behind.” Unfortunately, that word of mouth, so important in the Hispanic community, is translating into, once again, handouts to Hispanics. Grecia Lima is the national political director of Community Change Action. While she rightly says that Joe Biden will have to do a bit more than play “Despicito” on his phone for Hispanic voters and that, like every other demographic, Hispanics are concerned about the economy, she goes back to the old Democrat stand-bys, and says that the administration needs to tout more legislative “accomplishments.” Lima goes on to say that Democrats need to promote things like the 2021 trillion-dollar infrastructure bill, and more federal spending on health care, social services, and green energy. She calls it “down payments” to Hispanic voters.

There is one aspect of the word-of-mouth mindset that Republicans must counter, and that is the familial one. Jesse Holguin is the founder of LEXIT. If that sounds familiar, LEXIT is a lot like BLEXIT, founded by conservative commentator Candace Owens. The idea behind LEXIT is to bring Hispanics out of the Democrat Party. When Holguin was asked why the majority of Hispanics vote Democrat, Holguin said:

We have it in the mindset — not just Latinos, but Blacks — we grow up automatically thinking we’re Democrats. … My family told me, ‘We’re Democrats.’ I asked why, and they told me, ‘Because Republicans are for the rich Whites, and the minorities are for the Democrats.’

Republicans have plenty of time to grow their numbers among Hispanic voters. How will we know if that GOP outreach to Hispanics is successful? Just look for the traveling mariachi band behind Joe Biden should he emerge from the basement to campaign in 2024.



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