
Prager U and Charlie Kirk Are Fending Off Another Cancelation Attempt by a College Faculty

The halls of higher learning have become cesspools of propaganda and indoctrination, and when your goal is to brainwash people you can never be too careful about what kind of influences you allow around those you’re trying to mentally enslave.

People like Dennis Prager and Charlie Kirk would be considered incredibly bad influences to people obsessed with social justice culture and its propagation. Their focus on common sense, exposing lies, and telling the truth no matter how inconvenient, has earned the ire of many a radical leftist.

Case in point, the faculty at Barrett Honors College of Arizona State University have united in order to get a speaking event featuring Prager and Kirk canceled. The faculty’s reasoning is the same tired excuses you’ve seen from radical leftists before. According to them, Kirk and Prager are white nationalists who preach hate and misinformation.

Prager U’s Twitter account provided the open letter from the united faculty to the Dean of Barrett College, calling on him to terminate the event titled “Health, Wealth, and Happiness” at the TW Lewis Center for Personal Development and to express a vote of no confidence for the Lewis Center’s leadership.

Of course, Kirk and Prager are far from being white nationalists or purveyors of misinformation. What the faculty of Barrett College really have a problem with is the fact that conservatives have differing opinions on things and that can’t be allowed in a place where ideological bubbles must go undisturbed if the narrative is to stick.

It doesn’t say much about the faculty’s ideas and positions if they can be so easily undone by two men speaking over the course of a few hours. If the radical left’s ideas were so solid as to be infallible, then allowing these two men to speak wouldn’t be an issue. Moreover, it’s insulting to the students of the college whom the faculty apparently believe can’t be trusted to hear what they claim is “hateful” without devolving into hateful bigots themselves.

Are they saying the students are too stupid and inept to resist evil? That they themselves are prone to hate and bigotry without the firm and guiding hand of the virtuous and righteous faculty?

The truth of the matter is that Kirk and Prager’s ideas are actually good and help establish the building blocks for a better, more successful life while the radical leftist professors peddle little more than ideological radicalism and unhealthy lifestyles in the name of “progress.”

The last thing they’d want is for all their work to be undone by two men showing them something that discredits them.

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