
On Rejecting Progressivism’s Schoolyard Ways

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As our Sister Toldjah superbly pointed out on January 26th, we are seeing ever-multiplying cases of progressives losing whatever minds they previously had. This recently reached a fever pitch during the November 2022 elections, when there was a contest over which pundit could puke out the most outrageous take. My favorite was the insistence that if you’re concerned about inflation, you’re voting for Hitler. The multiple “this will be the end of democracy” screeds rank a close second. Especially since we don’t live in a democracy; we live in a constitutional republic. Minor detail there.

The progressive inability, or unwillingness, to read the room and recognize reality is a never-ending source of amusement. It also serves as an excellent example of a horrible example, one we’d best not follow regardless of the temptation to respond in like kind.

It has fascinated me for years how people online condone or justify behavior by themselves or favored others they would never tolerate in their children. For example, is there a parent alive who hears “they started it” and immediately sides with their child after they’ve misbehaved? None that I’ve ever met. Some parents believe their little darling is incapable of wrongdoing, which leads to an interesting conundrum in that the only person genuinely worthy of said designation was born of a virgin. In contrast, Dick or Jane came to be in the usual manner. But I digress.

In the same realm, progressives believe feelings and self-definition are sacrosanct. This is a notion conservatives find deeply amusing. Conservatives, save perhaps the most virulent atheists, understand that even as man’s rights are God-given and not derived from his own efforts, man’s creation comes from God and not humanity’s biological and psychological engineering. The believing conservative views him or herself as one bought at a terrible price. Therefore, he or she seeks to honor God by not pretending to be Him. Plus, Golden Rule, etc.

This necessitates self-examination in light of what Paul discussed in his letter to the church in Rome regarding both Jews and Gentiles, and how they react to others’ sinfulness, once confronted by their own transgressions. Our calling is urging sinners to repentance based not on our personal lofty morals and righteousness, for we have none. Instead, the call is rooted in an understanding of our mutual condition. We may know better, but we are not better.

This is the delineation between conservatives and progressives. The progressive seeks implementation of their social engineering constructs, such as the fallacy of self-definition and actively pursuing the implementation of John Blutarsky’s declaration that nothing is over until we say it is.

Why? Few things equal the progressives’ obsession with their own self-righteousness. They may pay God occasional lip service, but their hearts reside solely within themselves. The progressive’s goal, via legalization and pop cultural invasion, is replacing God’s sovereignty with humanity’s self-delusion of same. The modern progressive embodies Solomon’s weary observation of there being nothing new under the sun. Their blueprint is not the Declaration of Independence but rather France’s 1789 The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, paying God, as noted above, minimal meaningless lip service, while attempting the raising of fallen humanity and the state; i.e., government, to levels it can never attain.

Here is where we conservatives must recognize and abandon blame-shifting, along with pretending to be who and what we are not: schoolyard thinking. For successful conservative thought, solid foundation work is vital. We know from whence we came and where we are going. The progressive refuses acknowledgment of the graveyard. We must act in humility, mindful of our defense not being the thin blue line but the even thinner, yet utterly unassailable, red line of Christ’s shed blood on the cross.

Life’s facts — personal freedom inexorably intertwined with personal responsibility, accepting the reality and consequences of not only our sinful nature but living in a fallen world, the way things such as economics work being immune to our wishful thinking — must be our standard operational procedure. Once we were children. We are no longer. With this in mind, let us continue to, in love, expose and reject schoolyard ways.

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