
Twitter Files Part III: Twitter Worked In Coordination With U.S. Government To Censor Content During 2020 Election | The Daily Wire

The third installment of the so-called “Twitter Files” released Friday night showed that federal agencies were in contact with Twitter during the 2020 presidential election and were involved in censoring content on the platform.

The thread, which journalist Matt Taibbi took nearly three hours to post in full, contained a great deal of valuable information, but also some significant errors — ranging from appearing to not accurately describe some of the content to calling Rep. Jody Hice (R-GA) a “congresswoman” to calling Mike Huckabee the former governor of Arizona.

Despite these errors and others, much of the information that was released was stunning as it confirmed long held suspicions about things that were going on at the company, including the revelation that executives sometimes went against their own policies when determining to censor former President Donald Trump, as well as the fact that all the censorship appeared to come solely from the political Left and government entities and was aimed at the political Right.

The third installment of the Twitter Files centered around the lead-up to Twitter’s decision to permanently ban the former president on January 8, 2021, following the riot at the U.S. Capitol Building.

The information released showed that Twitter had special Slack channels set up where they monitored Trump’s tweets and made rapid decisions about whether to censor the president or add warning labels to his tweets.

Then-Twitter Policy Director Nick Pickles appeared to admit that the platform was meeting officials from the FBI and DHS regarding some of the actions that it was taking.

Yoel Roth, then-Twitter Global Head for Trust & Safety, confirmed in an internal message that he was meeting with the FBI, DHS, and Director of National Intelligence about election security and about the Hunter Biden laptop story. The DHS, FBI, and DOJ said during the election that the laptop story was not disinformation, which the former Director of National Intelligence confirmed to The Daily Wire on Friday night.

Roth appeared to admit that he had “weekly confabs with federal law enforcement,” Taibbi wrote.

Taibbi went on to show tweets that the FBI flagged for Twitter around election security:

Released screenshots showed that on multiple occasions, employees looked to take action against Trump’s account, but were rebuffed because information in some of the tweets was accurate even though Trump spread false information in other tweets concerning the election.

The screenshots showed that Roth appeared to be pleased with the actions that the platform was taking against Trump.

Other internal documents showed that Twitter once again targeted conservative actor James Woods for posting a screenshot of a Trump tweet. The team decided to not hit Woods for that tweet, but they said they would hit hard in the future for a different violation if Woods broke a rule.

Taibbi then posted about how tweets from the political Left, which would have had action taken against them if they were from the political Right, were largely left alone as top Twitter officials rationalized why they would not take action against pro-Biden tweets.

Taibbi reported that the team took additional measures to reduce how much visibility many of Trump’s tweets were getting starting in early December 2020.

“There is no way to follow the frenzied exchanges among Twitter personnel from between January 6th and 8th without knowing the basics of the company’s vast lexicon of acronyms and Orwellian unwords,” Taibbi wrote. “This is all necessary background to J6. Before the riots, the company was engaged in an inherently insane/impossible project, trying to create an ever-expanding, ostensibly rational set of rules to regulate every conceivable speech situation that might arise between humans.”

“This project was preposterous yet its leaders were unable to see this, having become infected with groupthink, coming to believe – sincerely – that it was Twitter’s responsibility to control, as much as possible, what people could talk about, how often, and with whom,” he continued. “When panic first breaks out on J6 there’s a fair share of WTF-type posts, mixed in with frantic calls for Twitter to start deploying its full arsenal of moderation tools.”



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